Help Editing Lathe ATC macro?

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Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:05 pm
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CNC Control System Serial Number: C165673
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Help Editing Lathe ATC macro?

Post by MatterHKR42 »


TLDR: I need some help editing the attached macro so the stepper driving the ATC, backfeeds until it stalls on every tool change. at present, it only stalls on back feed on the first tool change. Maybe the back feed line needs to be changed to incremental and the TC value is forced to the nearest full value? I'm a mechanical guy, so this is pretty far out of my wheel house.

Full Story:
I've finally gotten my little Prolight 3000 (mostly) working as a lathe should. At this point, its down to a handful of nuisance issues..

The issue I'm working on now is for some reason, after a few parts and several spins of the ATC, external diameters will suddenly go from within a few tenths to several thousandths undersize.. I'm trying to root out possible causes.. I've already gone through the tool holders and made sure they are on CL.. the belts and pulleys are all tight... the feed per rev is spot on, verified using two separate methods.. mechanically, everything seems to be sound.

the next possible cause is the ATC macro, which needs to be fixed for other reasons as well.
the ATC turret itself uses a ratchet and pawl system which locks by reversing ATC rotation until the stepper motor that drives it, stalls. on the CNC12 side, I have it set up per instructions for a Axis Driven Turret. 1 tool position = 1".. the "back feed" value is larger the the "go past value but after the first tool change, the stepper doesn't stall on lock up.
My guess is that tool position is an absolute position so when the motor stalls after the first change and the steps are lost, every subsequent back feed is offset so the back feed stops prior to motor stall. I think it worked well enough up to this point because until now, I was running one part here and there, only indexing between 2 tools, and there was not enough chance for the end of the backfeed drift far enough from actual lock up to cause an issue.
Now that the machine is essentially running small lot production and the ATC is spinning many rotations, that end-of-backfeed positition is probably drifting enough from true lock up such that not all the tool positions are fully locking up.

In case its useful.. The X and Z axis are servo driven with "enhanced" clearpath servos. the only stepper on the machine is in that ATC. I'd rather work on the macro if possible instead of dropping another $400 on this machine to convert the ATC to servo.

As always, Thanks in advance!
my current tool change macro is attached for reference.
(3.91 KiB) Downloaded 3 times

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