Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

All things related to the Centroid Acorn Plasma system.

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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by OceanFab »

The drives are a kind of standard in the industry, with different manufacturers producing similar electronics.

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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by Joey »

OceanFab wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:11 am The drives are a kind of standard in the industry, with different manufacturers producing similar electronics.
I'd be interested in your feedback on how these drives perform on your table.

Any pictures of the table on your album and some video when your up and running would be sweet.

Gary Campbell
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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by Gary Campbell »

OceanFab wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:44 pm I think you are coming up with excuses.
Your instructions were ambiguous, while the wiring diagram had problems.
However, the wiring diagram you provided was for the wrong motor, the AASD-15A, while it should have been for the AASD-20A.
The manufacturer is sending me a corrected wiring diagram shortly. They have other users who have operated with Centroid controllers, and the company that sold me these drivers also sells Delta and Leadshine, and consider the servo drives we have as comparable.
I just need to correct the pin layout and fix the drives, not bad advice and unjustified criticism.
I think you are misinterpreting what the "Y" in DIY stands for. Yourself! That means you need to pick your own components, wire it yourself, test it yourself and verify that every component works properly, yourself.

I have done one-off custom controls and control mods for a couple decades and I can tell you that there is seldom an easy or "off the rack" solution on connecting up supposedly compatible components in a custom, one off system. Here are a few pieces of "ol fat guy wisdom":

Many of the mfgr's connection diagrams, especially those from Asia, have mistakes in their translations or claim compatibility that does not exist.
Many of the claimed compatibilities are only true when other conditions are also true.
Resellers of lesser quality products will always tell you their stuff is as good as the expensive stuff.
As the system builder you are accepting the responsibility of testing and verifying both compatibility and operation.
One of the biggest mistakes DIY builders make is that they make the assumption that cheaper products perform the same as more expensive versions. You're already saving the labor money, use that savings to buy good parts!
Most DIY builders make multiple purchases of the same components, negating a good portion of their perceived savings.
If someone that is actually qualified tells you that a product doesn't work well, believe them!! You may actually get it to work, just not well.
The average time that DIY builders that decide you build their own after getting a quote from me is between 6 months and a year. Most have issues after the build and their systems seldom run as well as mine.

There is a lot of learning required to build a good control system, days, weeks, maybe even ,months. Put on your big boy pants and figure it out.
GCnC Control
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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by OceanFab »

You guys provided the wiring diagram, it was not even the right motor.
So there went your "expert" status.
The pin 3 was listed as an Input Voltage on the diagram.
As I already said, the seller sells other brands as well, including those you recommended, Leadshine and Delta.
Take it from an old trim man, you're only as good as your last play. If you give advice, make sure it is good advice, otherwise your credibility justly takes a hit.
I built my first computer using the Motorola 68000 chip, wiring wrapping the lot, modifying an op sys and burning it on EPROM, in the early 1980s.

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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by cnckeith »

OceanFab wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:49 pm You guys provided the wiring diagram, it was not even the right motor.
So there went your "expert" status.
The pin 3 was listed as an Input Voltage on the diagram.
As I already said, the seller sells other brands as well, including those you recommended, Leadshine and Delta.
Take it from an old trim man, you're only as good as your last play. If you give advice, make sure it is good advice, otherwise your credibility justly takes a hit.
I built my first computer using the Motorola 68000 chip, wiring wrapping the lot, modifying an op sys and burning it on EPROM, in the early 1980s.
i call bull. you provided the link to the drive manual on a google drive. we were using your provided wrong manual to try and help you out for free, our fault is that we assumed you would post the correct manual.
I don't see any Centroid provided wiring diagram anywhere in this thread.
All of the axis motor drives that we have curated are here. ... .php?term=
we did not sell or recommend and certainly do not support these no name china servo drives.
Acorn is clearly documented on how to hookup a wide variety of 3rd party components.
and yes others have successfully used our documentation to run drives that we haven't curated, and that is great. that is what the Y in DIY is all about.
Acorn is a DIY product and the responsibility for proper hookup and configuration is on you.
Alternatively you are welcome to hire a pro like Gary who provide excellent turn key CNC control systems.
Need support? READ THIS POST first.
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CNC Control System Serial Number: C165679
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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by OceanFab »

Didn't know the origin of your manual was their google drive.
Not bull.

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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by tblough »

OceanFab, here's your post of the manual - viewtopic.php?p=91186#p91186

Two posts after that, Centroid467 attempts to help and states "from the drive manual you provided". As a computer builder, you should be familiar with the term garbage in, garbage out. It's very hard to provide useful advice with incorrect information.

Confidence is the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
I have CDO. It's like OCD, but the letters are where they should be.

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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by OceanFab »

I just posted what I was given as was requested by the Build Thread instructions. The Google drive is not mine, but the manufacturers.
Centroid team claimed on the phone that the wiring diagram was "right".
Your instructions were explicit, hook up the 24v to the digital input lines, along with a reposting of the diagram.
Diagram says "Input voltage 24v".
Then you all have stated that was not what you meant, but meant the 8 In lines.
Then you go and bad mouth the manufacturer and also call them "no name", when it is in the folder. If you don't know them, how do you know they are not good? An error in the diagram? They didn't expect your crew to imply to others that the 24v should be connected to the 3 pin.
Why did you have to trash them? A bit pompous, they are working hard to help me. You guys are so well established?
You're a tiny firm that has a reasonably good reputation, I vouched for you with the client. I owned a Taiwanese CNC before, with a Centroid control, you seemed reasonable then, not so high-horsed.
As I said, you're only as good as your last play. Be careful whose feet you step on, you are not infallible, and your business practices are questionable.
Do you really want to keep escalating this with negative comments, etc?
There were a number of unjustified assumptions on both sides, yours included.

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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by cnckeith »

would you like a refund?
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CNC Control System Serial Number: C165679
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Re: Build Thread: Ramsay CNC Plasma Question

Post by OceanFab »

Thanks for promptly sending the replacement, it arrived this morning.
What we need, of course, is to get the motors running asap.
The new diagram, below, from the manufacturer is manifest in the wiring, which includes the enable signal, which I prefer to always enabled.
So this afternoon I hope to get a Z jog through the Acorn.
New wiring includes the Alm-Rst and Alm+, I am wondering is that going to need to have anything set in the Acorn Wizard?
Also, any way to generate a signal to go directly to the pulse/dir with Acorn not powered, to get the motor to move before we risk the board again?
Corrected Wiring Diagram for AASD-20A Servo Motor Driver.jpg

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