Threading on a Lathe

Moderator: cnckeith

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Threading on a Lathe

Post by martyscncgarage »

A setup tip provided by Dana Dunlap, Centroid Support for users threading on a lathe for the first time. You need a 1000 line encoder belted to the spindle at 1:1 with a timing belt and Pro License. Use Centroid Intercon to generate the code to test threading.

"When asking for the report also ask for the Intercon program or g-code if third part. Need to look at the g-part program to see how far out in front of the part they are starting. The start problem is usually they are not starting out in front enough. Usually need about .3 or more in front of where the threads start depending on the machine to get the cross slide up to speed. The ending thread problem is where Parameters 240-242 need changed. Have them change parameter 242 to 60 and parameter 240 to .5 to 2 times the thread pitch. Parameter 240 does not have to be changed with different thread pitch change. The manual explains this on page 239. Parameter 242 will also help the start thread that is why they need to make sure they are not starting at .1 or .05 in front of the part."
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Re: Threading on a Lathe

Post by cnckeith »

Threading is simple and impressive on how it works so well with Acorn, but you got to get the details right!

1.) correct encoder. ... der+basics

2.) 1:1 mount

3.) Z axis motor sized so it can actually move the Z axis fast enough to keep up with the threads. (remember the Z is electronically locked to the encoder while threading! you can test this as well before doing your first test thread)

4.) Use intercon until you get it working only then introduce yet another unknown.

Test with simple threads using Intercon at slow RPM speeds using brass or wax.

Watch out for unrealistic g code program speeds and feeds during testing.
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