CNC12 Tangential Knife

Moderator: cnckeith

Posts: 618
Joined: Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:51 am
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

CNC12 Tangential Knife

Post by Joey »

Hello All.

Thought I'd make a Topic On setup and use of a Tangential Knife with CNC12

Setting an axis for Tangential Knife is Available on all Centroid controls on Software version 5.08 and newer.

The CNC12 Tangential Knife Axis Setup TB can be found here: ... ds/333.pdf

I have the EcoCam Oscillating Tangential Knife mounted on my AcornSIX Brained 4x4 Router.
The EcoCam has a Closed Loop Stepper that Turns the Knife with an Overall Turns ratio of 1:1 at 3200 Steps per revolution.

I Created a Tangential Knife Photo album where I have a Video Cutting the Centroid LOGO out with the Knife on some 3/16th inch Foam board.

Also I have some video's explaining how I created the G-code in Sheetcam and how to modify the post for Sheetcam so the post matches my machine.

Check out My Tangential Knife Album here:
