No Axis enable signal.

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No Axis enable signal.

Post by jfavre »

After another attempt of trouble shooting and having another technician overlook the setup, still cannot get an enable signal out of axis 1 out of the oak controller. When I swap the X and Y cables to the motor drives, both do not enable on axis 1 but both motor drives enable on axis 2. I am thinking there is an issue with the Oak controller. Is there a check that I can perform? Can you see the output for axis enable on the PLC diagnostic screen? I can set home and go to MDI screen with out faults. I can jog axis 2 with both motor/drives but when i jog axis 1 with both motor/drives I get 410 X axis(1) position error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a report. Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide. Using Kollmorgen AKD-B00306-NBAN-0000 drives. When axis 2 is enabled there is 24 volts across pins 21 (enable)and 23 (+24VDC) from OAK while there is no voltage on axis 1.
Kollmorgen - AKD - Installation Manual.pdf
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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by cncsnw »

Does it work any differently if you change Parameter 304 (axis #5 drive number assignment) from 1 to 0?

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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by jfavre »

No difference. Been checking configuration many times and cant find any errors. X and Y axis are functioning with out issue. I verified encoder feed back position on Z axis and velocity are reporting correctly on the WCS when i jog the motor with the drive software and the stall detection disabled. I am concerned about the feedback signal but cant find anything wrong. Think I will order another encoder cable to try. With the stall detection turned disabled command voltage on the drive software is near zero and when I attempt to jog Z axis the command voltage goes to about 10 volts on the drive software, verified with oscilloscope and multimeter but the motor is moving very slowly. When I e-stop the OAK the 10 volts goes away. I have tried applying 1.5 volts with a battery to the command voltage and runs as expected. Very confused,
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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by jfavre »


Problem solved with help from Kollmorgen. It was a scaling issue with command voltage. Shout :D out to Kollmorgen tech support as they were very helpful.

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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by jfavre »

Still having issues with the enable signal, now on channel 4. There are three drives/motors that all are filly functional on channel 3 but none on channel 4. Can some one please review the report and let me know what I screwed up.

Many Thanks!
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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by centroid467 »

There's nothing that jumps out at me in the report. I'd suggest double or triple checking the wiring.

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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by jfavre »

After double and triple checking the wiring still having same issues. I verified 24 vdc on pin 23 of axis header 4 and then took pin 4 on the drive to ground via pin 20 on axis header 4. Drive / motor worked correctly (velocity and direction) with no faults. Is there a test to check open collector output?
enable (1).pdf
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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by centroid467 »

It looks like you are using our flying lead cables so I would try hooking a battery or power supply positive terminal up through an appropriate resistor to Oak drive header pin 21 (Brown wire) and the negative/common to a "24 GND" pin. That can be pin 16 (Violet/White), 18 (Brown/White), or 20 (Red/Black).

You'd then take the voltmeter and put the black lead on the negative side and put the red lead on the brown wire. Enable and disable the axis in CNC12 and watch for a response on the meter. You can use M93 in MDI to disable all motors and jog the axis to enable.

If using a 1.5V battery, try a resistor from 60 ohms to 150 ohms. Aim for the higher side of the range. It doesn't matter all that much if you use a larger value of resistor, I am just trying to keep it near the AKD input rating. You do want to keep the current through the Oak's output below 50 mA though.
9V battery would be 200 ohms to 1k ohm, 12V would be 300 ohms to 1.2k, 24V would be 560 ohms to 2.4k.

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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by jfavre »


Performed test with an AA battery and 100 ohm resistor. Meter shows no change in voltage.

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Re: No Axis enable signal.

Post by centroid467 »

If those are the results when CNC12 is not in e-stop/reset and there are no active fault conditions then I would think the opto-isolator for the output was damaged somehow and suggest sending it back for repair.

Before sending it back, I would first do the following if you have not already done so:

* Check to see if the Oak was sending the enable command. There's two ways to do this that I can think of:
a) Check the PLC Inspector and look at the memory bits MEM500 to MEM627. B axis starts at MEM564.
b) Check the PLC Detective and look at the status variables named like BAxisStatusSRDY_M and BAxisDriveALM_M.
I'd compare the values to a known working axis with drives disabled (M93 in MDI) and enabled.

* Try switching the cable with an axis that is known to work and try jogging both of them. That will test the B axis drive and the Oak's 4th axis header. If the known working axis does not move when connected to H6 then the Oak should be sent back under RMA. If it does move but the B axis drive does not, then I would assume something is wrong with the wiring or drive configuration. If neither or both work then it is a combination of issues and more troubleshooting is needed.

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