Wrong tool-offset calculation with Emcoturn 120 ( Rear Tool-Turret)

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Re: Wrong tool-offset calculation with Emcoturn 120 ( Rear Tool-Turret)

Post by suntravel »

I use NP++ and ComparePlus plugin.


All my custom changes are with comments and my name so easy to find.

PLC 4.8 vs 5.19 is very different. Only change your edit in same section of the new PLC.

If NP++ is setup to TB294, simple press F6 to compile.

Last edited by suntravel on Mon Aug 05, 2024 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wrong tool-offset calculation with Emcoturn 120 ( Rear Tool-Turret)

Post by cnckeith »

Muzzer wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:32 pm I'm part way through installing the 5.19 beta trial. I've copied all the wizard settings across from the previous version (4.8) but of course I need to modify the plc to implement my ATC controls. I had to create my own custom version, as my turret position feedback has 8 individual lines rather than Graycode.

Somewhere in the copious documentation there will doubtless be a great explanation but it's been a while since I last updated as you can tell. Do I now take the plc .SRC file that the wizard has just created and make the same edits I made before, then recompile it? That's presumably the only to combine the wizard settings with the plc mods.

I can use Visual Code Studio to compare the previous and new .SRC files but it's a bit of a job to go through this again, so if possible I'd like some confirmation that I'm on the right track before launching into it.

Many thanks

Centroid PLC programming manual.
https://www.centroidcnc.com/centroid_di ... manual.pdf

Notepad ++ setup for direct compile from notepad (you don't have to go to the command prompt to compile, but that is still an option)
https://www.centroidcnc.com/dealersuppo ... ds/294.pdf

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Re: Wrong tool-offset calculation with Emcoturn 120 ( Rear Tool-Turret)

Post by Muzzer »

I've updated to the 5.19 beta and modified the plc to incorporate the changes needed to drive my ATC turret. I've worked my way very carefully through the source code line by line using he file compare function but I can't see anything I've missed or any typos. However, after a couple of hours I'm still no closer to getting the turret working. Everything else is up and running although I haven't tried tool touchoff as it makes no sense without the turret operating.

The previous version 4.80 works fine, so the machine hasn't started malfunctioning in the meantime.

The 2 reports are for the functional 4.80 (timestamp 18-08-06) and 5.19 beta (timestamp 17-13-19). Apart from the ATCGrayCodeStage mods, I haven't changed much.

I have 8 ETHER1616 inputs to directly report the turret position and they are hard coded in to the CurrentTurretPosition_W variable in place of the Greycode code. Nothing happens when I try to increment the turret via the VCP. If I go in and try to change tool positions via the tool offset "ATC" menu, I get a curious error message "311 Waiting for memory #52 (M101)" followed by "313 Waiting for dwell time". Not sure if this is directly relevant but M101 relates to the dust shoe from what I can tell.

Any ideas?

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Re: Wrong tool-offset calculation with Emcoturn 120 ( Rear Tool-Turret)

Post by Allin1Chris »

Muzzer wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:47 pm I've updated to the 5.19 beta and modified the plc to incorporate the changes needed to drive my ATC turret. I've worked my way very carefully through the source code line by line using he file compare function but I can't see anything I've missed or any typos. However, after a couple of hours I'm still no closer to getting the turret working. Everything else is up and running although I haven't tried tool touchoff as it makes no sense without the turret operating.

The previous version 4.80 works fine, so the machine hasn't started malfunctioning in the meantime.

The 2 reports are for the functional 4.80 (timestamp 18-08-06) and 5.19 beta (timestamp 17-13-19). Apart from the ATCGrayCodeStage mods, I haven't changed much.

I have 8 ETHER1616 inputs to directly report the turret position and they are hard coded in to the CurrentTurretPosition_W variable in place of the Greycode code. Nothing happens when I try to increment the turret via the VCP. If I go in and try to change tool positions via the tool offset "ATC" menu, I get a curious error message "311 Waiting for memory #52 (M101)" followed by "313 Waiting for dwell time". Not sure if this is directly relevant but M101 relates to the dust shoe from what I can tell.

Any ideas?
After looking over the reports, Parameter 830 is set to a 5 on the v5.19 install, according to your v4.80 report it should be a 4. A 5 is a timed based turret so likely the graycode stage of the PLC is not active.

MEM52 in the PLC is the toolchangecomplete_M memory bit, waiting for the turret to reach its destination.
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Re: Wrong tool-offset calculation with Emcoturn 120 ( Rear Tool-Turret)

Post by Muzzer »

Wonderful - many thanks for looking into it, that's really helpful as I was running out of ideas!

Yes, I got the impression it was timing out somewhere. I'll correct that parameter and hopefully report back that it's fixed.

### UPDATE - yes, that fixed it, so I can now try out the probing features this weekend. Thanks again! ####

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