Indexer, M function

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Indexer, M function

Post by xr4x4ti »


I am trying to get my Tsudakoma RZ160 rotary indexer working with my Allin1DC Bed Mill.

I wired in the indexer input to output 6 (clamp) and the indexer output to input 16 of the Allin1DC.

I have the output working such that the indexer indexes to the next position. I am still troubleshooting the positioning complete signal on input 16.

While I figured out input 16 I thought I would make some proof of concept programs.

I setup M13 using the following code:

G04 P02

File name = mfunc13.mac

When I run this M13 command in the MDI mode it works, the indexer moves to the next position.

But, when I put the M13 command in an Intercon program is does not work.

Now, if I put the explicit commands in the Intercons program it does work!

Just to be clear


Does not work

G04 P02

DOES work.

I don't understand why M13 works in MDI mode but not when imbedded into a Intercon program.

Any thoughts?


PS, I edited this to make it a bit more clear. I had "does not work" in the wrong spot, I am sorry for any confusion.

Posts: 55
Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2019 10:03 am
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Location: Minnesota

Re: Indexer, M function

Post by xr4x4ti »

I got the input working last night and modified my M13 macro to wait for the finish signal.

That is now all working great and as before the M13 macro works in the MDI function.

What is weird, is that it now also works perfectly fine when I use it in an Intercon Program. I am not sure what I did, but I fixed it:)

Oh well, all that maters I guess is that it is working. I would like to know what I was doing wrong, but I will start making chips instead!


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