Homing Pox sensor and Axis limit sensor on 2 power supplies

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Homing Pox sensor and Axis limit sensor on 2 power supplies

Post by Blaze »

Hello Guys. I have a question.

I am in the process of wiring up my homing sensors using the TL-Q5MC2 @ 10-30VDC output 500mA NPN NC proximity sensor. I'm also considering using this type of sensors for my axis limits, which will bring my total sensor count to ten due to my rotating spindle as "Axis B" and my detached rotary table as "Axis A."

I have two sets of 24-volt power supplies. The first is the original power supply that came with the AcornSix, which is also used to power up the AcornSix board. The other is a MDR-60-24 AC/DC Din rail Power Supply that I purchased from Amazon.

I was hoping to use the MDR-60-24 AC/DC to wire up 5 homing sensors, with the positive and negative wired to the MRD-60-24 power supply and the signal wire from the sensors connected to 5 of the H4 Acorn inputs. Will this approach work? I do not believe all 10 sensors can be connected to this power supply.

How about if I opted to connect the axis limit sensor in series, with all positive 24 volt wires connected together? The ground on my first sensor will be connected to my signal wire for my second sensor. This pattern will be repeated for the remaining sensors. The GND wires on the last sensor will be connected to ground using either of the power supplies mentioned above. Both power supply ground connections will be tied together. This approach will allow me to use less signal input on the AcornSix.

Will this work as described?

If not, the rest of my axis limit switches will be connected using the proposed method, as shown on the AcornSix schematic S15178.
(160.98 KiB) Downloaded 3 times
I have attached a schematic that I will use to make my series connections.
limit and home sesnor.jpg
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Homing Pox sensor and Axis limit sensor on 2 power supplies

Post by cncsnw »

Since the AcornSix has an adequate number of inputs, just hook each switch to its own input.

There should be two switches per axis: one at the plus limit of travel, and one at the minus limit of travel.
All switches should act as limits in their respective directions.
One of the switches on each axis can also be used as a home switch.

If your machine is a router, and you need to use auto-squaring, then you will probably need a home switch for the slave axis, that is not a limit. Outside of that, there is no reason you cannot use limit switches for home switches.

A continuous rotary axis, of course, has one home switch and no limit switches.

Combining limit switches in series to a single input is an unfortunate necessity on many basic Acorn installations, because of the limited number of input points. Since the AcornSix has 16 inputs, you don't need to do that.

Posts: 27
Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2022 2:30 am
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CNC Control System Serial Number: 0074
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Homing Pox sensor and Axis limit sensor on 2 power supplies

Post by Blaze »

Thanks cncsnw. much appreciated.

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