Cheap CNCPC that meets requirements: Lenovo Think Center M93P and HP G3, Beelink

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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Location: Southern California

Cheap CNCPC that meets requirements: Lenovo Think Center M93P and HP G3, Beelink

Post by Roadstercycle »

edited by keith... 11-14-24

inexpensive good refirb units

here is another.
HP Micro Desktop Computer 800 G3 Elitedesk Mini Business PC

if you want something NEW, users have reported that this one works well.

be sure to run the free Centroid PC Tuner on any PC that is destined for CNC duty!!

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ARCHIVAL info below.

OK everyone, I just tried the Lenovo M92P mini computer that someone else advised about getting. It was $189.00 and free shipping so I gave it a shot. ... 2749.l2649

It has 4 GB of ram and a 320GB hard drive. So I received it yesterday and it was suppose to be a lease return, refurbished unit and was advised it may have scratches. It looks brand new, not one scratch and opened it up and there was no dust caked on, even the fan blades where clean. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. This does not mean if you decide to get one that it will be the same but mine is awesome. I bought a Adata 128gb ssd and cloned the disc that already had a fresh copy of windows 10 pro from a win 7 upgrade. The SSD was about $35 from Amazon. Aomei backupper disc clone software as it could clone to a smaller ssd than the original HHD. Oh yes it was free and worked great. OK, before the ssd it took about 2 minutes to load, maybe a bit less, anyway it was annoying. After the SSD install, This is no B.S. either, 10 seconds to windows 10 screen and nothing circling in waiting. Unbelievable. I could not believe it. It did not have any extra bloatware or anything on it so I'm sure that helped. This morning at 6:30 AM my wife and I got up and I said to her watch this, pushed the button and watched her reaction, she did a double take and said no way. I was up till midnight the night before while she watch me boot and re boot the old hhd while I was trying to install EaseUS, and Acronis disc cloners before I found Aomei. They could not clone to a smaller ssd without paying the $50 ransome. So anyway, installed the latest Acorn software 4.12 and hooked it up and it works awesome. I had been using my laptop to run it and decided to do a stand alone computer thus the Lenovo M92P. So I hope this may help anyone looking for a computer that will run Centroid Acorn without spending an arm and a leg. The i5 processor in it single threads at about 1900 +, I can't remember the whole number, but it was a go anyway.

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CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn

Post by martyscncgarage »

Yes, I use the Lenovo Tiny M92p computers as well.
And now you know why an SSD is HIGHLY recommended. They are so cheap, I no longer use mechanical hard drives.
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Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn

Post by cnckeith »

updated... Lenovo ThinkCentre M93p (256GB SSD, i5 4570T, 2.90GHz, 8GB) WIFI W10 PRO
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn

Post by CNCMaryland »

These computers are great, and come in many different configs. I went with an i7 with 16gb of ram, and an SSD. No looking back.

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Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn

Post by cnckeith »

CNCMaryland wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:51 pm These computers are great, and come in many different configs. I went with an i7 with 16gb of ram, and an SSD. No looking back.
even better, just wanted to keep this thread alive on which ones are currently being used and where you guys are getting them as i get asked this a alot!
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CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn <updated model M93P>

Post by martyscncgarage »

They are good computers, M92P is long in the tooth. They run Win10 fine. M93's are a little newer.
Be aware though, Windows 10 going on life support. WE only have a few more years before Windows 11...and it has hardware requirements.
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Location: Clearwater, FL

Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn <updated model M93P>

Post by ShawnM »

Here's a link to the Microsoft Windows 11 specs, features and computer requirements. You can even download the PC Health Check App to determine if your current Windows 10 PC is compatible or not. ... ons#table1

Microsoft will continue to support Windows 10 until October 14, 2025.

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Location: Germany

Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn <updated model M93P>

Post by suntravel »

Think Center M900z with Touchscreen ... 1TC1MZ900Z

There are many refurbed ones with fresh Win10 on SSD to find


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Re: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn <updated model M93P>

Post by cnckeith »

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CNC Control System Serial Number: none
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Cheap CNCPC that meets requirements: Lenovo Think Center M92P for Acorn <updated model M93P>

Post by BillB »

As per Marty’s suggestion i got one for my lathe build and it’s working really good, im even running Fusion 360 on it right at the machine bench, no reason to even boot my workstation for simple programming and modeling.

I will be looking for another one for my mill build as well.

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