Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63

Post by tkbot47 »

Richards wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 10:33 am Is the error a Centroidcnc error or a Windows error? If it is a Windows error, please read this:

"If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the "Error Code 63" error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component."
The error code appears in the CNCx log file, not a Windows popup. See my next post in response to marty
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Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63

Post by tkbot47 »

martyscncgarage wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:20 am
tkbot47 wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:58 pm I am suddenly having a communications error between my computer and my Acorn boards. My setup is: Intel NUC i5 computer with short shielded ethernet cable going to a Gigaswitch, feeding my mill and lathe Acorn boards (ver 3) through Centroid provided shielded ethernet cable. I'm running CNC12 v4.20 for both, one at a time, on the common computer running Win 10 (latest update 1909). The setup was working perfectly the last time I ran both tools (about 45 days ago). When I try to start either tool, I get the starting screen of CNC12 saying "establishing communication", then "unable to establish communication". Error logs have, in this order, "CNC started", then Error initializing CPU - cannot continue" and "Exiting known error 63". I cannot provide a fresh repost because it doesn't get that far.
I have tested all the cables, and the Gigaswitch and ethernet ports are OK because I can connect fine to the internet from the gigaswitch. I use Bitdefender antivirus/firewall, but all CNC functions for both versions are all "allowed" by the firewall, and were before. Windows firewall is off. Heartbeat of both Acorns is good, and no faults are present. I've tried plugging the Acorn ethernet cable directly into the computer, bypassing the switch - no help. I've rebooted the Acorns and computer multiple times - no change. I have backups of files dating back to when it was working, but I can't see that anything changed.

I'm stumped. Everything was working perfectly before, and not anymore. The only things I can think of that changed are:

- Normal program and virus updates to Bitdefender
- Win10 from v.1903 to v.1909, but I can't find a setting that changed.

Can anyone suggest something else I can check, or what might have changed or gone wrong? Is there anything I can check in CNC12, or perhaps reinstall it, or move to 4.20.1 to try and fix this? Has anyone else seen anything like this? I'm very frustrated!

Also should mention that I have a 3rd Acorn (ver 4) that I'm using on my rebuilt Shopbot, Intel NUC i3, CNC12 v4.20, Win10 v1909 - no problems whatsoever. Using all the same settings in Bitdefender and Win10, as far as I can determine......again, no problems.

Run the PING test as suggested first.
We assume you only turn on one Acorn at a time....
If the ping test fails. Connect the CNC PC directly to the Acorn and rerun the ping test. (Check both Acorns)

Your CNC PC is to have a STATIC IP address assigned to it. You say you can connect to the Internet through the switch. Exactly how are you accomplishing that? My hunch is the CNCPC does not have its static IP address of set.

There is a video to help you check that....

No response on ping, either board. To complicate things, I discovered this AM that my wireless internet is not working now either. I have a wireless connection and internet access, but no IPV4 connection. I look at settings for the wireless and ethernet adapters, and I see that the wireless adapter says "no DHCP" even though Auto DHCP is enabled, and it's not getting an assignment on the wifi router. Further, the ethernet adapter says that it is using DHCP, which sounds incorrect for use with Acorn. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that settings ought to be the other way around - auto DHCP on wireless, and fixed IP for the ethernet connection? BTW, you said the board address is and cncnw said - which is correct? I pinged them both, and nothing. I'll watch the video you linked for some clues.
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Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

Post by tkbot47 »

You nailed it!! Somehow, my adapter settings got turned around, and the ethernet port was set for auto DHCP and wireless was not. I went into settings per your video, and sure enough, IPV4 was set for obtain address automatically. I changed it to manual address, entered the correct numbers, and I was back in business with Acorn. Furthermore, that also fixed the wireless setting, and forced it, evidently, to start obtaining its IP address automatically, so all is back to normal. No idea how it got broken, though. Big thanks for the help in diagnosing this!
All is now well until the next inexplicable Windows hiccup.
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Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

Post by martyscncgarage »

tkbot47 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:35 am Marty,
You nailed it!! Somehow, my adapter settings got turned around, and the ethernet port was set for auto DHCP and wireless was not. I went into settings per your video, and sure enough, IPV4 was set for obtain address automatically. I changed it to manual address, entered the correct numbers, and I was back in business with Acorn. Furthermore, that also fixed the wireless setting, and forced it, evidently, to start obtaining its IP address automatically, so all is back to normal. No idea how it got broken, though. Big thanks for the help in diagnosing this!
All is now well until the next inexplicable Windows hiccup.
Glad to hear it....
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Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

Post by cncsnw »

The ethernet adapter on the PC should be set to use

The Centroid control board (e.g. Acorn) will use

You should be able to ping both of them. In the first case, it is the computer's own hardware answering, showing that it is properly configured. In the second case, it is the control board answering, showing that your network cables are working.
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Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

Post by tkbot47 »

cncsnw wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:54 pm The ethernet adapter on the PC should be set to use

The Centroid control board (e.g. Acorn) will use

You should be able to ping both of them. In the first case, it is the computer's own hardware answering, showing that it is properly configured. In the second case, it is the control board answering, showing that your network cables are working.
Thanks for the clarification. Once I got the ethernet port properly configured for fixed IP, both pings worked. What is a mystery is how they changed on their own. Probably one of those Windows updates - might be a cautionary tale for others who do the updates.
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Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

Post by Nigelo »

Just for the record I've seen this before, though not on a CNC PC, where IP settings get changed after applying a Windows update that misbehaved. Not a problem as simply reset but in one case, I reverted to a previous restore point and then re-applied the update patch without further problem.

As said above, updates/patches do sometimes malfunction, just don't leave it that way

Hope this helps and pleased you got sorted

Hope this helps

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink"
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Acorn Ethernet Communications Error 63 - RESOLVED

Post by tkbot47 »

Nigelo wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:34 pm Just for the record I've seen this before, though not on a CNC PC, where IP settings get changed after applying a Windows update that misbehaved. Not a problem as simply reset but in one case, I reverted to a previous restore point and then re-applied the update patch without further problem.

As said above, updates/patches do sometimes malfunction, just don't leave it that way

Hope this helps and pleased you got sorted

The really interesting thing is I have another Intel NUC that I use to drive my CNC router with Acorn, same Win 10, same updates at the same time, and no troubles at all. You can't even count on the quirks to happen consistently. ;)
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