Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring < noise on prox switch inputs>

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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by Mkelcy »

Normal operation - The Y slave sensor triggers, and then the Y master is set.

Starting farther away from Y0 - The Y slave sensor doesn't trigger, but the macro unpairs the master and slave, and tries to drag the master side to the sensor. Keith asked about all the faults, this problem certainly accounted for a number of them.

The sensor is obvious; the trigger is the knurled knob on the red bracket. As I mentioned above, there's no indication there's a spurious trigger of the Y slave sensor, but I don't know how to data log (if that's what's needed) in PLC Detective.

While I appreciate the effort that went in to Keith's video, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to take away from it.

New report attached.
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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by cnckeith »

remove the switch dead band amount and probe input from the input screen on the wizard , write settings to cnc control and re run the test again.
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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by Mkelcy »

I removed the limit switch dead band amount and disabled the probe input. There was no change from the condition shown in the video clip above.

Is there any way to data log the inputs to Acorn?

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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by martyscncgarage »

First your 25 second video clips aren't showing too much.
Can you run the Autosquaring sequence, while in the DIAGNOSTIC (Alt-i screen)
Say put your camera on the router table run the homing/autosquaring sequence. Then do it again while letting us watch the Diagnostic screen.

Is there a reason you don't have your soft limits set? They are all 0

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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by martyscncgarage »

Also, looking at your message log in your report, you are getting a number of DRIVE FAULTs. What is causing those? You running into hard stops or machine binding up? I would get those soft limits setup before going much further....:

(4) 10-29-2019 16:33:30 5038 SPECIFIED SPIN SPEED < MIN SPIN SPEED
(1) 10-29-2019 16:36:26 204 Exiting CNC...Normal Exit (66)
(1) 10-29-2019 16:42:07 199 CNC Started
(1) 10-29-2019 16:42:25 CNC12 Acorn Mill v4.18
(4) 10-29-2019 16:42:31 9033 Reset Initiated, Press Reset to Clear
(4) 10-29-2019 16:42:39 4032 Reset Cleared
(4) 10-29-2019 16:42:47 5038 SPECIFIED SPIN SPEED < MIN SPIN SPEED
(4) 10-29-2019 16:43:29 9031 DRIVE FAULT!
(4) 10-29-2019 16:43:40 9033 Reset Initiated, Press Reset to Clear
(4) 10-29-2019 16:43:41 4032 Reset Cleared
(4) 10-29-2019 16:43:44 9031 DRIVE FAULT!
(4) 10-29-2019 16:43:46 9033 Reset Initiated, Press Reset to Clear
(4) 10-29-2019 16:43:51 4032 Reset Cleared
(1) 10-29-2019 16:43:52 406 Emergency stop detected
(1) 10-29-2019 16:44:03 FAST_JOG_SELECTED
(1) 10-29-2019 16:44:15 SLOW_JOG_SELECTED
(4) 10-29-2019 16:53:36 9031 DRIVE FAULT!
(4) 10-29-2019 17:45:54 9033 Reset Initiated, Press Reset to Clear
(4) 10-29-2019 17:45:55 4032 Reset Cleared
(1) 10-29-2019 17:46:00 FAST_JOG_SELECTED
(1) 10-29-2019 17:47:36 406 Emergency stop detected
(1) 10-29-2019 17:50:55 406 Emergency stop detected
(1) 10-29-2019 17:51:09 SLOW_JOG_SELECTED
(1) 10-29-2019 17:52:27 417 Abnormal end of job
(1) 10-29-2019 17:52:35 Creating report...
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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by martyscncgarage »

I also see a number of Ethernet Communication Errors that follow most of the drive faults in your log. What is causing this?
(I have attached your message log, which can be found in the REPORT File, when you unzip it there is another zip file called URF.ZIP, the message log is in there. Alternately, you can view your message log by going to F7 Utility, F9 Logs, F1 Errors)
(4) 10-29-2019 13:06:18 9031 DRIVE FAULT!
(1) 10-29-2019 13:06:26 452 Ethernet Communication Error, CNCPC to controller. See Tech Bulletin 270
(9.54 KiB) Downloaded 87 times
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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by martyscncgarage »

Please post a picture of your control cabinet with drives and Acorn
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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by Mkelcy »

Videos are problematic - I live in the sticks with tin can and string internet. That said, I've uploaded a video showing both the the table and the I/O screen here:

The Z axis zeros at about 4 seconds and you can see input 1 trigger; the X axis zeros at about 18 seconds and you can see input 1 trigger; the gantry starts moving at about 34 seconds; a message (Both NC. Press Cycle Start to continue) indicating the Y slave is homed appears at about 37 seconds but there is no trigger on input 2 with the gantry still several inches from zero. I hit the Estop to spare my motors.

Two causes for the drive faults - the VFD wasn't getting a reset from the Acorn (since fixed) so it was giving me drive faults and the over driven Y master motor.

I'll go through the PC again to make sure it's set up properly - that appears to be the major source of ethernet errors. I'm think I'm pretty good on the rest of the TB270 potential issues.

I set the soft stops.

Here's a picture of the control cabinet.

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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by cncsnw »

Is there any way to data log the inputs to Acorn?

You use the PLC Detective Logic Analyzer.


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Re: Limited Travel on Y Axis When Auto-squaring

Post by cncsnw »

Marty wrote:
Is there a reason you don't have your soft limits set? They are all 0
That may have something to do with lines 87 - 94 of the M74 macro. Hint: what happens if the M74 sequence gets cancelled before it gets to lines 250 - 257?

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