Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

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Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by oddjobmonkey »

Hello everyone

I'm new to the group and also new to CNC ... I recently picked up a Tree Journeyman 325 which had previously been updated (2009) to a DC310B, Unix CNC10 & Control Techniques SP Drive with the M39 input.

I (currently) have a couple of issues which I don't know if they're related.

When I first had it dropped in the shop and once we'd run power to it - start-up was fine, I could jog X,Y,Z and I could set home, the Unidrive indicated 'ready' but I had no Spindle rotation control via the m39 manual controls. As part of the installation I had to relocate the Unidrive.

Now I have the 2 problems.

1. The UniDrive is showing 'inh' on the read-out, which I understand to mean inhibited. I'm 90% convinced I reconnected everything correctly to the Unidrive. However I did notice that connection to ports 41 & 42 the Spindle Fault input didn't terminate anywhere, I looked for a loose connection these could've come from to no avail. Question where should the signal come from on the DC310 for this input.

Second issue

2. Now I can no longer jog the X,Y,Z ... if I press the jog buttons on the control I get '411 X axis(1) full power without motion' error.

Thanks for any input ... if there is anyone in the Bay Area I'd be more than happy pay for some onsite help.

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Last edited by oddjobmonkey on Tue May 08, 2018 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by Centroid_Tech »

Please post or email a current a report from your system. What does your inverter manual state as the reason for that inh error code and possible ways to resolve it? If I was going to guess, I believe that your axes aren't moving because you most likely have a Spindle Drive Fault message as based on your post, the fault signals from your inverter aren't connected to the DC3IOB.
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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by diycncscott »


We need the that was created when you ran the report, not the report.txt.

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by oddjobmonkey »

Thanks guys attached

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by cncsnw »

If there were a fault condition that remained after you released E-stop, then the control should not even try to move.

The "411 ... full power without motion" stall messages are evidence that the software side of the control does not see any reason not to move, and so is trying to get the drive to power the motor. However, the motor is not moving at all.

Since this is happening on multiple axes, it is not so likely to be a faulty motor or motor power cable. It is possible that the drive is damaged, but it is more likely that the drive does not have power to work with.

With E-stop released, measure DC volts at the VM terminals on the right-hand side of the DC3IO. You should have somewhere between 100VDC and 130VDC. If you do not, then either the E-stop contactor is failing to close; or the E-stop contactor has burnt contacts so that it is not conducting current even though it has tried to close; or there is a problem (perhaps a blown fuse) upstream in your servo power supply.

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by oddjobmonkey »

hey guys

Thanks for the feedback.

I measured the VDC across the VM terminals - big old 0 - so I traced back the circuit and measured some values. It does appear that the E-Stop switch is the blockage. I've attached a wiring diagram with some notes. I checked as many fuses as I could find and they all seem to be ok.

I'm assuming the fault lies in the Quencharch E-stop, not in the M39 pendant. Are there any further tests I can do to verify the fault or does this need just need replacing before moving forward.


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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by cncsnw »

"Quencharc" refers to the small blue device (resistor-capacitor network) that is installed across the A1 and A2 terminals of the contactor.

The E-stop contactor would be a Telemecanique, or GE, or Fuji, or other brand contactor (depending on who build the control and what they decided to use).

Using typical Centroid practice, the contactor would have a 24VAC coil. The 24VAC would originate from a separate secondary winding on the same transformer that supplied the 83VAC to the rectifier. One leg would then pass through the FLT relay on the DC3IO, and through the E-stop pushbutton in the hand pendant, before going to the A1 coil terminal on the contactor. The other leg of the 24VAC would usually go directly to the A2 terminal of the contactor.

When you press and release the Emergency Stop button, does the contactor open and close? This is usually audible, as well as visible.

If the E-stop contactor does not appear to be closing when you release the E-stop button, then try measuring AC volts across the A1 and A2 terminals of the contactor.

Also, check that the 15-pin connector, where the pendant plugs into the control cabinet, is fully seated. If the 15-pin connector is not screwed down, and gets partially dislodged, the first pins to break contact are the ones that carry the contactor coil power.

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by Centroid_Tech »

Based on your photo between points 1 and 4, if you are getting that voltage when that E-stop contactor is engaged, then it sounds like that leg of the E-stop contactor is damaged. If you cycle the E-stop button and do not hear the E-stop contactor engaging as cncsnw suggests then that will explain why you don't have any voltage getting to the other side of the E-stop contactor. Looking at the report that attached, I see a lot of 405 Lubricant level low messages. It could be an issue with either the switch or cabling.
When requesting support, please ALWAYS post a current report. Find out how to take a report from your Acorn, CNC11 or CNC10 system here:

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by oddjobmonkey »

hey Guys

Excellent guidance ... I think I've found the problem.

The 24AC circuit was key, the terminal connector on top fo the 240vac > 24vac transformer appeared to be damaged / loose - if I jiggled it then the e-stop reset itself and the Unidrive status switched to 'RDY' and I got Jog functions on XYZ back. I removed the transformer and resoldered the terminal. Now Have XYZ Jog, can set home etc. woop! :D

Next problem.

No Spindle control. Spindle control on the pendant will not toggle to manual and I've not been able to run the Unidrive autotune.

Update - managed to run an autotune and the Spindle spun up for the first time! ... however, after the autotune the Unidrive displayed a trip error of 'et'

Check terminal 31 signal = (Pr 8.10) ON
Check value of Pr 10.32 = OFF
Enter 12001 in Pr xx.00 and check for parameter controlling Pr 10.32 = ??
Ensure Pr 10.32 or Pr 10.38 (=6) are not being controlled by serial comms = ??

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Tree CNC DIY upgrade - teething problems

Post by oddjobmonkey »

Hey Guys.

Thanks for your previous help.

I managed to run an autotune and the Spindle spun up for the first time! ... however, after the autotune the Unidrive displayed a trip error of 'et'

The Unidrive manual has the following troubleshooting instructions, not sure what I need to look for for the line 3 & 4.

Check terminal 31 signal = (Pr 8.10) ON
Check value of Pr 10.32 = OFF
Enter 12001 in Pr xx.00 and check for parameter controlling Pr 10.32 = ??
Ensure Pr 10.32 or Pr 10.38 (=6) are not being controlled by serial comms = ??

I have 2 wires coming from the Unidrive, Terminal 41 & 42 (drive healthy relay) which were hanging loose, if I look at the wiring diagram I have it appears these should go to the DC310n to Terminals H20 Spin Flt & In Common. If I attach these then I see a spindle fault error on the Centroid UI and I loose all drive functions. No XYZ jog etc ....
Unidrive wiring.JPG
Any help much appreciated. Thanks for your help!

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