Kitamura Mycenter Zero - DELTA Ethercat Retrofit

All things ecat Hickory CNC controller

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CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Kitamura Mycenter Zero - DELTA Ethercat Retrofit

Post by spikee »

cncsnw wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:03 pm I am not prepared to interpret the whole sequence to understand your intent and whether it makes sense, but...

The expression:

Code: Select all

(M14_SV || (Aux14Key_I && M14_SV) )
is functionally no different from the expression:

Code: Select all

So it is not clear what you are trying to accomplish with the Aux14 key.

Also, there is probably no reason to RST CarouselPotUp_O in direct response to M14_SV, given that you are also setting MovingPotDown_M, and your later logic is going to reset CarouselPotUp_O in response to MovingPotDown_M.

Your logic will be easier to understand if there is only one place where you ultimately control (SET or RST) a given output.
Thanks for the feedback. Im running it on the machine now and M14 does not work :P.
I just came to the same conclusion and fixing it now. The AUX codes were there by default, so not sure what the use case is. I just kept it in there.

Posts: 121
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2024 5:34 am
Acorn CNC Controller: No
Plasma CNC Controller: No
AcornSix CNC Controller: No
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Hickory CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Kitamura Mycenter Zero - DELTA Ethercat Retrofit

Post by spikee »

I had to edit the code a bit more and now it works. Next step is to add the servo on the arm. And the atc functionality is almost completed.

Posts: 121
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2024 5:34 am
Acorn CNC Controller: No
Plasma CNC Controller: No
AcornSix CNC Controller: No
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Hickory CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Kitamura Mycenter Zero - DELTA Ethercat Retrofit

Post by spikee »

So I spent a little more time on it this weekand and the arm section fully works.
I had to turn the speed down about to 20000mm/m for the toolchange arm motor (arbitary unit) When i go higher than that the mechanical "klunks" sound a bit too violent :P.

Initially I tried to do all movements in the m6 macro using probing moves such as M115. This works great, except when you go into the higher speeds. The signal chain is just too slow and you'll get offsets vs where a signal was actually triggered. So i had to go back to how the OEM implemented this function. It is actually fairly simple. They just used an AC motor which ran at like 1500rpm, drove it with a vfd and just pulled power and used a big ass mechanical brake to stop whenever needed. The tool release/clamping is just done by a single sensor. And the whole control of it is pretty dumb.

The bad side of the two sensor system they use now is that you really need to trigger tool clam/unclamp on either rising edge or falling edge signal which makes the code a bit of a pita. I tried that, it kinda works, but not a big fan of it. So what I'm just going to do is make my own "encoder wheel" which basically is a photointerruptor and a disk inbetween. The disk which is attached to an output shaft of the atc arm mechanism just tells it to clamp or unclamp. Using this method it can never be out-of sync or anything like that.

As the rest of the atc is working (carousel + elevator) this should be one of the last items required.

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