This forum is a place to discuss Centroid CNC BETA software and hardware testing.

Moderator: cnckeith

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Posts: 8227
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:23 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: Yes
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes

This forum is a place to discuss Centroid CNC BETA software and hardware testing.

Post by cnckeith »

This forum was created as a place to discuss Centroid CNC beta software and hardware testing.

Noun: BETA version (plural beta versions) , BETA [bey-tuh]

BETA is an early version of a program or application that contains most of the major features, but is not yet complete. Sometimes these versions are released only to a select group of people, or to the general public, for testing and feedback. This is the second major stage of development following the ALPHA version, and comes before the Release Candidate (RC).

Why do CNC12 BETA revision numbers not start at rev1?

Typically the first revisions of a new software build are called Alpha's and are not public, there are usually many alpha builds that have been tested internally as well with a select group of "alpha" testers, the alpha then turns into a beta. The beta testing continues with a select group of power users (dm me if you want to become one) and then once confidence becomes high and there are no "show stopper" type bugs we release a public beta so, that anyone can install and use the software. This public beta testing period is important as it allows the software to be installed on a wide variety of machine tools and a huge number of different CNC control configurations that would be impossible for us to test ourselves.

Release CNC12 version numbers are even numbers.
For instance
CNC12 v4.20,v4.82,v5.00,v5.08

Beta CNC2 version numbers are odd numbers
For instance:
CNC12 v4.99 rev12 was a beta version for the 'release' version of v5.00
as of this writing
CNC12 v5.09 rev3 is a beta version of upcoming 'release' version of v5.10

We take every bit of feedback to heart and try to react as quickly as we can as we want to get to a release as soon as possible. So, I thank you in advance for your time and efforts in helping make the Centroid DIY CNC software better.
Looking forward to your feedback. Best regards, Keith
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