Tool Library export?

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Black Forest
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Tool Library export?

Post by Black Forest »

I use Fusion 360 for my CAM when not using Intercon. This is probably a really dumb question but I would like to synchronize my tool libraries between Fusion360, CNC12 tool library and Probe App. Being in the early stages of my CNC learning curve I have sometimes had conflicts with tooling descriptions, numbers, etc.,etc.. I wanted to print out my Fusion 360 tool library and take that to my shop and then compare my CNC12 library and correct any differences. I haven't found a way to do that so I get a easily readable file. A simple file to open in Notepad would be good but what I get is a lot of "extra" info in a not so legible format.

So how do you all co-ordinate your tool libraries?

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Re: Tool Library export?

Post by CNCMaryland »

Manual page 57.

F5 | Export Lib... The tool library can be exported in txt (space separated and aligned columns) or csv
(comma separated columns) formats by pressing F5. Choose txt or csv to get the desired format.

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Re: Tool Library export?

Post by Nigelo »

I don't use F360 but I have similar tasks with my Router and Mill. I use Vectric Aspire for both but centralize my Tool databases on CNC12. Once up to date and as explained above, its easy to do an Export from CNC12's Tool Library in either TXT or CSV format which now includes offsets from v4.80 IIRC.

I believe Swissi's ProbeApp extracts what it needs from CNC12 automatically but had an issue with offsets although I am not sure on this last point.

For Vectric, I simply update new tools from a CNC12 printout as above, adding additional tool info as required.

hope this helps
Hope this helps

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink"

Black Forest
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Re: Tool Library export?

Post by Black Forest »

OK, thanks for the help. I was trying to go from Fusion to CNC12 with my printed out tool library. All I get out of Fusion is very long difficult to read print outs on many pages for only 12 tools. Going the other direction from CNC12 to Fusion works for me. Thanks again.

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