**UPDATED 8-1-23** Centroid CNC12 v5.06 has been released. Click here to download.

All things related to the Centroid CNC Plasma systems, Hardware and Software.

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Posts: 8642
Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:23 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: Yes
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes

**UPDATED 8-1-23** Centroid CNC12 v5.06 has been released. Click here to download.

Post by cnckeith »

update!! v5.06 has been released. more info here.

https://www.centroidcnc.com/centroid_di ... loads.html

info on last release (v5.04) remains here for the record.

[**UPDATED 6-14-23**

Centroid CNC12 v5.04 has been released. Click here , refresh page to download. https://www.centroidcnc.com/centroid_di ... loads.html

This is a Free Centroid CNC Software Upgrade for anyone using the Acorn and AcornSix CNC controller platforms and for anyone using v4.16+ on Oak, Allin1DC, MPU11 or Hickory.

- Since the Centroid Acorn CNC controller release over six years ago (August 2017) every new Acorn CNC12 version has been free of charge.

- All existing License files work with v5.04

- All features from previous versions of CNC12 are included in v5.04

v5.04 Release notes.

1.) Fixed Acorn Limit Switch defeat button functionality. (skin event number in the button xml was in inadvertently not updated in previous version v5.0/v5.02)

2.) Fixed Oak/Allin1DC/MPU11/Hickory VCP Aux 13-16 (the controlling CNC12 parameters were off by one) which were incorrectly configured.

3.) Fixed Acorn VCP button Mill Vac On/Off skin event number (skin event number in the button xml was inadvertently not updated in previous versions v5.0 & v5.02 )

4.) Added an all new DXF import “engine” for Plasma Intercon DXF import feature. Now the new DXF import supports a wider variety of complex arcs commonly generated by graphic art programs.

5.) Some Color picker additions the Plasma restart graphical menu. blue, red, and purple dots which represent the pick up point, jog off point, and interrupt point

6.) In the Utility menu “Create Report” now copies the Wizard generated Acorn/AcornSix ATC macros to the Report.zip file.

7.) Updated Skin call “GetMachineType” it will now also return “emulator” for offline use.

8.) In Acorn and AcornSix it is now possible to mix and match HomeAll with other HomeOk inputs for example:

and the Wizard generated home program will work using all of the defined homeok inputs in addition to HomeAll.

9.) Added auto detection skin call so AcornSix Wizard will auto detect the AcornSix Encoder Expansion Board. "IsENCEXP12Connected"

10.) Fixed M1 functionality which was broken in AcornSix, Oak, Allin1DC, Hickory, MPU11.

11.) Fixed M0 jogging which was enabled regardless of what Parameter 10 was set to.

12.) Moved the TT Fixed location from the ATC menu to the Tool Touch menu in the wizard.

13.) Added WCS Lockout Parameter to Lathe (parameter 426). WCS Lockout was previously only available in Mill/Router/Plasma and was controlled by parameter 45

14.) Added easy control of ATC fork engage and disengage speed in the Wizard ATC setup page for Acorn and AcornSix

15.) Pro Plasma License now includes unlimited block Teach/Trace mode and DXF import Blocks with Plasma Intercon.

16.) added DXF colors to the color picker

17.) Added Wizard ATC menu tool change “Flyover” Z height position clearance position. This is the height that the Z axis goes to in between the tool put away and the new tool (flying over the tools). This is a machine coordinates value. ( Note: Previous version used hard coded (in the macro) machine coordinate Z0. Now user can specify tool clearance Z height from one tool position to the next.) This value is set in the Wizard ATC. The Wizard writes this value to the CNC12 G30 position and the Wizard generated ATC macros use G30 to command movement to the flyover position.

Note: the Acorn and AcornSix ATC Wizard setup page currently supports 16 pockets for Rack Mount setups, but the user can “manually” add as many additional tools to the Rack mount setup as they like. The future Wizard ATC menu will support more pockets so the user doesn’t have to copy/paste and edit files to add more than 16 pockets.

For example to add four more pockets for a total of 20, navigate to the C:/cncm/system/rackmountbins folder, ATC pocket files called: tool#position.cnc (Where # is tools 1-16). Copy anyone of these files and create a Tool 17 file from it: “tool17position.cnc”, then do the same for Tool 18 “tool18position.cnc”, etc..etc.. Ensure the naming is identical to the others so tool17position.cnc, tool18position.cnc and etc. Then edit the X, Y, Z positions and the other lines within these new tool position files for that tool. The macros are commented so it is simple to understand how they work.

Previous version v5.02 Release Notes

1.) Fixed Acorn/AcornSix Wizard ATC menu bug where it would not remember settings if it wasn’t an integer. Also, added selection for fixed or not fixed TT for Rack Mount “Maintain Tool Offset Library” selection in the ATC Wizard setup menu to tell the CNC12 tool library auto measure F key to used fixed TT location or not.

2.) Improved Acorn/AcornSix Rack Mount ATC macros. Improved macros automatically check to see if any of these inputs are assigned and uses them if they are.

Inputs: DrawBarReleased or ToolisUnclamped, SpindleIsOriented, VFDZeroSpeed,, PressureLowMessage or PressureLowStop or ATCAirPressureOk (recommend ATCAirPressureOK for ATC applications).

Outputs: Orient Spindle, UnclampTool and ATCAirBlowActivate

The Wizard generated v5.02 ATC macros work with any combination of these Input and outputs, and even no inputs or outputs at all!

3.) Added spindle cooling fan delta timer to the Wizard (P997). This delay timer works automatically in conjunction with the output “SpindleCoolingFan” and will keep the fan on for what ever amount of time is specified.

4.) Fixed an issue where laser ballscrew (position) compensation was only working for the first three axes.

5.) Added Plasma Cutter compatibility additions in plasma macros for support of Everlast and Primeweld cutters.

6.) Updated Plasma profiles to support Arc Ok for non-hypertherm cutters.

7.) Fixed a bug where Plasma Restart Mode would not use commanded feedrates when resuming a job.

8.) Options screen reinstated to Oak, Allin1DC and MPU11 installations which was accidentally omitted in v5.0

9.) Deprecated Skinning call Job.GetUserVolatileSystemVariable. Added Skinning calls Job.GetUserSystemVariable (#100-#159, #29000-#31999) and Job.GetUserStringSystemVariable (#300-#399) This is better because now this gives access to all user variables.

10.) Plasma Intercon graph will now zoom towards the center of the graph, rather than towards (0,0) and added option to ‘flip’ x y for viewing the way the user would like to see the display.

11.) Fixed Plasma screen flicker when using keyboard jogging.

12.) Improved the M44 Surface Plate macro to be more robust.

13.) Added support for WMPG-6+ in the stock Oak and Allin1DC standard PLC programs. Updating the stock ATC PLC programs is still in progress and will be committed in next release. (user can always edit their own as well)

14.) Reinstated "Trail On" in Plasma in Run time graphics

Previous version release notes.

v5.0 release notes.
https://www.centroidcnc.com/centroid_di ... _notes.pdf
Need support? READ THIS POST first. http://centroidcncforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1043
All Acorn Documentation is located here: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3397
Answers to common questions: viewforum.php?f=63
and here viewforum.php?f=61
Gear we use but don't sell. https://www.centroidcnc.com/centroid_di ... _gear.html

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