Torch touch off or Z axis control problem

All things related to the Centroid CNC Plasma systems, Hardware and Software.

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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2025 12:39 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Plasma CNC Controller: Yes
AcornSix CNC Controller: No
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Hickory CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none20d7787c9f93-0816226456
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Torch touch off or Z axis control problem

Post by RaceTech »

I've had an issue show up where when I do a normal torch touch off (stand alone with the button) it works fine. The touch off operation at the beginning of a cut operation is generating a travel exceeded warning. I did not have this problem before trying to adjust my travel speeds and acceleration rates yesterday. And it has remained after returning those settings to where they were.

During the touch off operation where the error occurs, it appears that cnc12 is commanding z to travel down but no motion occurs for a couple seconds. By the time it resumes and reaches its touch off point it thinks it has exceeded the software travel limit and throws the error. I don't have any problems with my z axis operation when I jog it manually.

Anybody have any ideas?

Screenshot 2025-01-02 104944.png

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