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CNC12 5.08 Upgrade Issues

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:08 am
by ashesman
Today I upgraded from 4.17 (from memory) to 5.08. I just ran the installer and for the most part, everything just went and worked. I came across two little issues. The first is that the G code display has changed and looks a bit grotty on my screen. The font size is a bit large and it runs off the right side of the screen. Is there any option to change back to the old G code display?

The second issue was with the skinning DLL. Something had changed with the return value of Skinning.ReturnCode.SUCCESS. My code was expecting 19, but it seems the new DLL returns 20. After an hour of looking for my code which I accidentally misplaced, simply re-refencing the new DLL and recompiling solved the issue. Well, it work on the demo version, will try on the machine later. It is probably mentioned in the CNC change log that the Skinning DLL has changed, but I obviously missed it!

I also have a note for the developers. It seems that Skinning instances are not destructed or released. When I have a failed response from the DLL (e.g. CNC12 not open yet), I set my skinning reference to null, releasing it to the garbage collector to be dealt with. Then some time later I try again to create a new one. After the fourth time new Skinning() is called, IsConstructed() fails. Not an issue for me, but just thought I would mention it.