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4th axis brake

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:16 am
by xkcnc
I bought from Ajax, a DCsingle and my 4th axis works perfect. So, now I want to put a brake on the 4th axis. How to change the PLC program to control the brake?

Re: 4th axis brake

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:49 am
by Centroid_Tech
I am assuming that your 4th axis is a rotary table and that the brake that you are referring to is the clamp on the rotary table, correct? If so, the CNC software already uses an M10 macro to turn the clamp on and an M11 macro to turn the clamp off. You just need to verify that you have the logic associated with it in your PLC program. You will need to make sure that your PLC program, xxx.src has the following logic.

In the input definitions section, there is a section on M94/M95 Mappings. Make sure that you have the following line of logic.
M10 IS INP36 ; M94/4 M95/4 Clamp

In the output definitions section, make sure you have the following line of logic.
Clamp IS OUT30

Towards the end of your PLC program where you most likely have logic for various things such as worklight, etc. add the following lines of logic.
; Rotary Table Clamp
IF M10 THEN (Clamp)

Save the file and compile your PLC program. Attached is a tech bulletin that explains how to compile a PLC program as well as the CNC10 PLC programming manual.

Re: 4th axis brake

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:15 am
by xkcnc
Thank for your answer
I sent attached the PLC that I wrote for clamp and for future carousel and I wish to check it and fix it (if any).
Thanks in advance

Re: 4th axis brake

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:40 am
by Centroid_Tech
The logic for the clamp circuit is correct. What is odd is that you already had the following logic IF M10 THEN (Clamp) but then it was commented. The current logic Clamp = M10 will also work.

You also mention about a future carousel tool changer but unfortunately, unless you have another PLC like a KOYO PLC, the CNC10 PLC program will not be able to have logic for your tool changer. With a KOYO PLC, the CNC10 PLC program can turn on BCD outputs which represent the desired tool number that get sent to the KOYO PLC and the KOYO PLC will be what controls your tool changer. Thanks.

Re: 4th axis brake

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:24 pm
by xkcnc
Thank you very much for answer.
So, what kind PLC do you suggest me?

Re: 4th axis brake

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:51 pm
by Centroid_Tech
From what I can gather, you have 2 options.

Modify your existing PLC program so that it turns on outputs that are directly related to the tool number that is requested. Those outputs will go into the KOYO(PLCDirect) PLC and the KOYO PLC will control the tool changer. Once it is complete, the KOYO PLC will then send a signal to the DC3IO that lets the Centroid control that the tool change has been completed. You will need to modify your existing Centroid PLC program as well as create the PLC program for the KOYO PLC. Another option with the KOYO PLC would be to mesh a standard PLC program that Centroid has for the KOYO PLC with your existing PLC program as Centroid does not have a PLC program for a DC3IO with a KOYO PLC. That means you will also need the KOYO interface kit which is currently $775. It includes a CPU7ADD board which installs onto your existing motion control board, CPU10, the OPTIC232 board, serial cable, power supply, and fiber optic cables. The KOYO interface kit allows the CNC10 software to communicate with the KOYO PLC.

Option 2
Not exactly sure what other software you have installed on your system but if it's only the CNC10 software, you can build a new SSHD with the Linux version of CNC10 and load the standard carousel tool changer PLC program. Attached is a tech bulletin that explains how to create your own Linux SSHD. If you provide us with an email address, we can email you the ISO image file via so that you can create your own SSHD or if you would like we can create one for you for $425. We just ask that you email us a current report from that system to Thanks.

Re: 4th axis brake

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:17 am
by xkcnc
I would like to send me the CNC10 with PLC as you wrote, to try if it works correctly with my mill.
I suppose you can see my mill setup in my forum account.
I have many hard disks SATA and SSD's SATA as well IDE so, I don't need to buy another one; I think that I can install correctly the Linux and your program.
if everything goes well, I proceed to make my carousel, and buy ATC option.
Thanks again for help