Feedrate max's at 24 IPM except when jogging <resolved>

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Location: Newark, NJ

Feedrate max's at 24 IPM except when jogging <resolved>

Post by Exhibitology »


I've almost finished upgrading a Aciera mill from a DCIO3 to an AllinOne controller.

All has gone very smoothly. I documented all the settings from the old controller and programmed them into the new.

Only issue is feedrate when commanded by G-code. Jogging follows my settings. But when I give it an MDI command or use some of the AUX keys that I've programmed, it only moves at 24 IPM.

It's probably some simple issue I've overlooked. I searched thru the manuals and setup documents to no avail.

Any suggestions?

I've attached a report.

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Re: Feedrate max's at 24 IPM except when jogging

Post by centroid467 »

What codes are you commanding in MDI to get this result?

First thing is check the feedrate and rapid feedrate overrides. It may or may not be coincidental that everything is moving at your slow jog rate.
You also have the fast jog rates higher than the max rate which should not cause problems but it is odd.

I would expect your mfunc50.mac macro to seek at 10 inches/minute for the M91 and M92 codes.

Several of your macros have "G53 G1 X1 F150" and similar lines which are not expected to work as you would want. The correct call is "G53 X1 L150" to override the feedrate.

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Re: Feedrate max's at 24 IPM except when jogging

Post by cncsnw »

Copying "all the settings" from a DC3IO/CNC10 installation into an Allin1DC/CNC12 installation was not a good idea.

For example, you have set Parameter 85 = 1.

In the current CNC12, that designates INP1 as a door-open switch, with a closed input indicating that the guard door is open. Since in reality you probably have one of your X axis limit switches wired to INP1, then whenever that limit is closed, CNC12 will restrict axis movement to the slow jog rate.

Change Parameter 85 to zero.

Posts: 66
Joined: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:19 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
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Oak CNC controller: Yes
CNC Control System Serial Number: 1218120647
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CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Newark, NJ

Re: Feedrate max's at 24 IPM except when jogging

Post by Exhibitology »

That was it.

Thanks again CNCSNW!

Best Regards

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