X Axis problems Hardinge Lathe

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X Axis problems Hardinge Lathe

Post by lavrgs »

I am retrofitting a Hardinge CHNC 4 with an ALLIN1DC. Things were going ok until a couple days ago when I started having problems with the X-axis; not sure I can call it oscillation but it will shudder as it tried to move and will error out with a couple different codes 410 & 411, as I recall. Activating MDI will also cause the problem. Most of my moves were via WMPG but the jog buttons exhibit the similar results.
I swapped the X and Z axes - power and encoder (Sumtak LHE-714-2000) and the cross slide (former X axis) still had problems. The carriage - former Z did not move after the swap. I had to clear the cross slide off the limit switch but in the end I just wanted to see if putting it back to original got the Z axis working, which it did. I did run the X axis on 12vdc and it ran smoothly... I did not spend enough time with the axes swapped so I will try again. But I am stumped.
I don't have a great action plan. I might try getting a new encoder. The lathe had a prior centroid retrofit so it has original servo motors and encoders that were part of that retrofit. Is there a replacement for the Sumtak encoder listed above? I believe it is 1/4 inch hollow shaft and it is located on the ball screw

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Location: Oregon

Re: X Axis problems Hardinge Lathe

Post by lavrgs »

UPDATE I swapped encoder on X and Z and still have a problem on X, the encoders are both OK. Troubleshooting servo, ballscrews and ways sounds like the next steps

Posts: 549
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Location: Oregon

Re: X Axis problems Hardinge Lathe

Post by lavrgs »

Probably should have checked earlier but the X axis fuse was blown and the replacement blew as soon as I powered the board. I will need to start the process of returning the board. This was bought August 2023 what is the warranty period?

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Re: X Axis problems Hardinge Lathe

Post by centroid467 »

Hello, that board should still be within the warranty period of 12 months.

For more information, please look here: https://www.centroidcnc.com/centroid_di ... ranty.html

Posts: 549
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:22 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
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AcornSix CNC Controller: No
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Hickory CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No
Location: Oregon

Re: X Axis problems Hardinge Lathe

Post by lavrgs »

I've taken both X and Z motors to be checked out at a local shop that cncsnw has suggested. I expect that I will know next week if there are any issues found. The ALLIN1DC will be sent back for repairs

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