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Re: Slavtec touch probe

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:17 pm
by cnckeith
that big in your face probe tripped graphic is in Acorn v4.6x+ and has not been ported over to Allin1DC software yet. we are working on that now... porting features from Acorn to Allin1DC and vise verse.

use the <alt i> plc diagnostic screen to see the probe trigger and probe plugged in inputs with Oak and Allin1DC software. you can also create a VCP led button to show the state of those inputs as well if you want something on the screen all the time.

Re: Slavtec touch probe

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:26 am
by S-K Machine
Thank you Keith.
There had to be a logical explanation out there in Centroid land somewhere.