Z axis Quadrature error All in 1 DC

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Z axis Quadrature error All in 1 DC

Post by bazz107 »

Hi Guys,

I have had my Mazak Lathe running for quite sometime, just before christmas I had the z axis take off and estop with a quadrature error, when investigating I found that the encoder counts were not moving. I ordered a new encoder from centroid and fitted up, problem seem to be resolved for about an hour then same thing. I left the machine till after christmas in the meantime I remade the mounts for the encoder as there was the smallest of runout from the bearing mounting the encoder shaft to motor. I then ran the machine today for about 2 hours with no problems. I went to restart a program, same problem.
I also noticed that if i cycle the Estop and attempt to move the z axis it only attempts to move in a Z positive direction (away from Chuck) With no indicated encoder counts.

I have attached a report and hope someone can take a look or advise where the best place to look for the problem would be.


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Re: Z axis Quadrature error All in 1 DC

Post by suntravel »

Are you sure that the encodercable is ok?


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Re: Z axis Quadrature error All in 1 DC

Post by cncsnw »

Very likely a cable, plug, or connection problem.

Note that you have also had lots of "412 ... encoder differential error" messages on both Z and X.

Try redoing the DE9 plugs at the controller end of each cable.

Also redo whatever plug you use to get from the encoder pigtail to the cable that leads to the control.

Can you post pictures of each of those connections?

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Location: NSW, Australia

Re: Z axis Quadrature error All in 1 DC

Post by bazz107 »

Thankyou for the replies and suggestions, I checked all the cables and connectors and have been unable to fault. I have moved the z Axis to another port on the board, have ran the lathe for about 5 hours on a test program and so far it seems to be working ok. So i am guessing I have a failed encoder input on the board. Has any one seen this before ?



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Re: Z axis Quadrature error All in 1 DC

Post by cnckeith »

bazz107 wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:15 pm Thankyou for the replies and suggestions, I checked all the cables and connectors and have been unable to fault. I have moved the z Axis to another port on the board, have ran the lathe for about 5 hours on a test program and so far it seems to be working ok. So i am guessing I have a failed encoder input on the board. Has any one seen this before ?


rare , they don't go bad on there own, usually would be miswired cable taking it out.
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