Finally getting around to adding limit switches to our machine with a ALLin14DC(old 90's knee mill with custom mounted motors.)
I am following the directions on pg 69 of latest(1-18-24) Centroid ALLin1DC CNC Control Installation Manual(attached)
and it asks me to manual hit the switch and then test that you can move off it ONLY in one direction.
The limit seems to work and it registers on the screen. Immediately can hear the motors shut off the holding current when the switch is hit.
I get a 411 X axis full power without motion. It does not try to move.
If I let go of the switch before trying to move it, I can but in Both directions....
Limit defeats are on for all switches I have not installed yet.
This basically means I will get stuck on my limit switches.
Attached the manual page, my current limit wiring (both 2 limits I have added so far work in the I/O page)
Can't move off limit per instructions in installation manual
Moderator: cnckeith
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:03 pm
- Acorn CNC Controller: No
- Plasma CNC Controller: No
- AcornSix CNC Controller: No
- Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
- Hickory CNC Controller: No
- Oak CNC controller: No
- CNC Control System Serial Number: A901108
- DC3IOB: No
- CNC12: Yes
- CNC11: No
- CPU10 or CPU7: No
Can't move off limit per instructions in installation manual
- Attachments
- (7.73 MiB) Not downloaded yet
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