Inability to maintain programmed coordinates

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Inability to maintain programmed coordinates

Post by Randy »

I posted a problem on 8-21-11 titled "constant feed rate".
After we ultimately decided to reload the software it seemed to work a little better, but apparently the problem has not been irradicated.
I am sending a picture of the screen at the end of a run to show you the magnitude of this problem. The final coord were x3y2z1.
Please look at the previous post on 8-21-11, we would not want to repeat any thing that was discussed or suggested then because obviously it was all unproductive.
This is the exact same problem that never went away.
I thought that it did, but after a few runs I realized it was not.
This happens in all phases of the run start to finish.
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Re: Inability to maintain programmed coordinates

Post by cncsnw »

Is the problem consistently repeatable? That is, if you re-run the same G code program multiple times, does it always end at the same erroneous coordinates?

If so, then try turning Smoothing off (set Machine Parameter 220 = 0) and re-run the G code program again. Does the error go away?

What version of CNC11 are you using now? The CNC11 version number is displayed on the F1/Setup screen.
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 9:55 am
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CNC Control System Serial Number: (0122100131)
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Inability to maintain programmed coordinates

Post by Randy »

The problem is not consistent.
The machine never loses the setup position.
If I indicate my work piece it is in the exact perfect location.
it seems to be worse when I run at higher axis feed rates.
it knows where to go, but once it gets there its like it can't stop and hold at the proper coord.
It can not be repeated on MDI no matter what the feed rate (reference previous post) august 2011.
This machine worked fine initially but developed this problem suddenly after a few months, I doubt that it is in any of the setup parameters. I am the only one who uses it.
I cannot get the CNC 11 version # , it is running a job right now.
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 9:55 am
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: (0122100131)
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Inability to maintain programmed coordinates

Post by Randy »

I turned off the smoothing control par. # 220, and the problem with the coord went away.
Can you explain why this would happen and what I should do now?

CNC 11 Mill v3.01 DEV TEST , Rev 3
System id 0122100131
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