At the moment if an encoder input is used for a scale, it is not possible to read out the index pulse with CNC12 (Version 5.22)
But it is possible to use Z /Z from the scale to trigger an input with a F53055 Mosfet optocoupler: ... ct_details
Since this one will only switch +DC you have to setup 4 inputs to PNP
To test if it is working MDI:
Code: Select all
M105 /X P-9 F254 ; move to ZRI
In this case 44492
Now in the Wizard select to create your own home file, so it will not be overwritten after modification.
Code: Select all
M92/X L1
M105 /X P-9 F254 ; move to ZRI
M26/X L44500 ; set HomeX at 44500 encoder counts
G53 X0 L300 ; move to X0 in machine coordinates with F300
set x Home again but with L44500 or a value close to the PID readout
This ensures 0 is in almost the same position as before, but with perfect ZRI precision.
On my lathe it repeats the home position within +-0.001mm
I printed some kind of box for the F53055 Mosfet optocoupler to mount it in the cabinet.
PDF of the modified schematic and my home file is attached.