IMES Coritec 550i 5 axis dental mill

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IMES Coritec 550i 5 axis dental mill

Post by Wolfenstien »

Good evening all,

I've had a 5 axis dental mill i've been meaning to do a retrofit to for about 5 years. There are currently several other machines that I'd like to retrofit first and life has gotten busier so I'm starting to realize there that I'm unlikely to accomplish much more in the next 5 years either with this machine.

I'm not sure what to ask for it. Its quite an impressive little unit if you are into precision micro milling.

The whole machine is built in an industrial steel cabinet with integrated electronics cabinet, machine enclosure, coolant system etc.

The enclosure has a welded steel frame made of made of 2x2" steel and the machine itself has a granite slab for the vertical and horizontal axis with linear rails bolted direct to the granite. Ballscrews on all three axis. The 4th axis is a trunion table and the 5 axis is built into the spindle mount allows the head to rotate side to side. The mount itself is a servo.

It uses a Jager 1.6KW 80,000 rpm spindle which has a pneumatic collect changer system. Tools are head in a tray of collects and the machine will tool change by swapping collets. It has a small tool probe plate where it probes after each tool change to verify that z offset.

The machine was taken out of commission before I purchased it and has some missing parts, The door to the machine enclosure is missing. The screen has been damaged, and several wires have been cut on some areas of the machine. It is missing the trunion servo motor as well.

All 5 servo drives are there as well as the vfd for the spindle. Power supply, noise filters, contactors etc as well as a variety of penumatic solenoid valves. Under the cabinet is a stainless coolant tray with a bag filter and a coolant pump. I have a spare spindle for it as well.

I'm not sure what to ask for the machine. Does 5K sound reasonable? I'm guessing I could do a bit better just selling the 2 spindles and 5th axis head assembly. It would still make a killer 3 axis machine base after those components are gone.

There are some good videos of one in action on ebay. I'll get some photos uploaded and get a video on youtube as well so you can see the machine better.

Thank you.

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