My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cnctreker »

Just starting with my CNC and this is driving me nuts. I'm trying to drill the center of a part and I'm off by .2 same dia as my edge finder. If I add .2 to my g-code X and Y and I hit the center.

I do a Part setup X axis, approach from + and wait for edge finder to break and leave offset as 0.0 then hit F10. I do the same thing for Y from the + side, leave offset to 0.0 and hit F10. That should be it right. Hope you guys can help me. Report attached.

Here's the g-code for reference. The X and Y are dead center. If I add .2 to them then I hit center.

Code: Select all

(T1  D=0.125 TAPER=135deg - ZMIN=-0.5685 - drill - Wood drill .220)
N10 G90 G94 G17
N15 G20
N20 G28 G91 Z0.
N25 G90
N30 T1 M6
N35 S500 M3
N40 G54
N50 G0 X3.5553 Y1.9985
N55 G43 Z0.6 H1
N65 Z0.2
N70 G98 G81 X3.5553 Y1.9985 Z-0.5685 R0.2 F10.
N75 G80
N80 Z0.6
N90 G28 G91 Z0.
N95 G28 X0. Y0.
N100 M30
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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cncsnw »

You need to enter the diameter of your edge finder on the Part Setup screen, before you press F10/Set.

However, failure to do that should lead to an error of 1/2 the edge finder diameter, so your 0.200" error is a bit of a mystery.

Or maybe that's not the offset you meant when you said "leave the offset at 0.0".

After part setup, if you jog Z until it is just above the work surface, and use F3/MDI to move to X0Y0, does the control put the spindle centerline directly over your stock corner? If so, then the error is in the dimensions in your part program.

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cncsnw »

On review, your part program drills the hole at X3.5553 Y1.99985. That suggests that you intended to set your part zero at the left front corner of the stock.

If you are touching the left side of the stock for X axis Part Setup, then you need to choose "Approach From" = "Left (-)".

If you are touching the front of the stock for Y axis Part Setup, then you need to choose "Approach From" = "Front (-)".

Notice how the graphic on the left side of the Part Setup screen changes to show an edge finder in the appropriate position.

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cnctreker »

The diameter of the tool is set for 0.200 prior to the F10 save.

My part zero is actually right back corner (approach is both positive) and I set it using the space bar. However, I will look at that tomorrow to confirm as I'm not sure if the graphic and where I'm suppose to be is the same.
After part setup, if you jog Z until it is just above the work surface, and use F3/MDI to move to X0Y0, does the control put the spindle centerline directly over your stock corner? If so, then the error is in the dimensions in your part program.
I will try this tomorrow as this is a good confirmation.

Thank you!!!

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cncsnw »

If you set X0 Y0 at the back right corner, and yet X3.5553 Y1.99985 is in the middle of your part and not off on the spoilboard, then either you have your X and Y travel directions backwards, or you need to stand on the other side of the machine :-).

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cnctreker »

It looks like the edge finder diameter is not being applied as a move to x0y0 after part setup still yields a .200 difference as you can see from the photo. Please let me know what else to try.

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cncsnw »

You are choosing the wrong approach direction on the Part Setup screen.

By your description, what you are doing is bringing the edge finder in from the minus side, not the plus side.

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cnctreker »

Sorry about that, I wanted to try the caddy corner from the negative side. Here's the result that matches my original description from the positive side. Still have .200 difference.

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Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cnctreker »

Here's a little bit more information that I gathered and I'm pretty confident that it's not hardware but it's a configuration that possibly unique to my setup.
1. I completely reinstalled CNC12 with 5.06 that I donwloaded from Centroid web site
2. Restored all my settings manually. New report attached.
3. I didn't do anything else but part setup and did an a G0 X0 Y0 and the problem still shows.
4. I issued a G0 X.2 Y.2 and it's right on the corner.
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: My X and Y is off by .2 width of edge finder

Post by cnctreker »

Just another data point. I modified the X & Y Origin on WCS G54 Table with the .2 difference and G0 x0 y0 worked like a charm and all the g-code operations work as they should be. It looks like the board is not applying the edge finder diameter or it's trying but it's not saving in the nv memory.

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