So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

Moderator: cnckeith

Posts: 9915
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:01 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by martyscncgarage »

If you are reading this, you bought an Acorn or are at least interested in one.
Everything you need to know is on this page: ... oller.html
The "Store" where you can buy it! (And related accessories & software upgrades)

Under the store offerings you will find:
Acorn CNC controller Install Quick start Guide
Acorn CNC controller Hookup Schematics
The operator's manuals for the software both Mill & Lathe

At the very bottom of the page you will find DIY Self Service CNC & Technical Support
There you will find info on Minimum PC requirements
A link to the latest version of the software when available

Its right here, this forum.
In order to help keep Acorn affordable, it was decided that support would be peer based. That is, WE help each other. but we're not on our own. Centroid staff will monitor this forum and help answer questions, and they are pretty good about it. Why trust they will? Because for well over 2 years they have spent the time to design Acorn, engineer, prototype, listen to suggestions, and where reasonable implement them.

We as hobbyists and students will get frustrated. When you do, walk away, sit back and pop a cold one. Think about it, take some notes and come here with a clear mind and let us know what your problems and concerns are. Speaking from experience in this hobby AND as a beta tester, 99.9% of the time its been "Pilot" error. Not seeing the Forest from the Trees. Trying to do too much at once. Take it one small step at a time. Try and test as you go, like wiring limit switches and see if you can see them on turn on and off on the diagnostic screen (Press Alt-I from the main software screen, cool tool!)

When we are frustrated, we get upset and want to run and vent, maybe even here. Try not to do that, always best to walk away and come back to it with a clear head. If you do, you won't be thinking straight, likely not be able to explain your situation properly, and most likely not get good accurate help from us here.

If you can replicate issues, try and do that. If you can take pictures or video clips of what you are trying to do, DO that, sketches, mods to wiring diagrams, POST them. PIctures are worth a thousand words and actual video are worth a million (ok I exaggerate...) but the more info you can provide the better help we can give you and the best way to provide us that info is to upload a “report” file along with your request for help. Its actually a requirement for us to help you, since with out the report file we have no idea how you have the cnc control configuration setup and its really impossible for us to give any advice with out knowing this information. The Centroid CNC control software contains a handy feature in the utiltiy menu that takes all the parameter and configuration settings and a bunch of other info like error logs and message logs and puts it all into one .zip file which is small and easy to share along with your request for help here on the forum or if you are contacting Centroid tech support directly (they will ask for the report immediately). Report files are easy to create, simply go to the Utility Menu and press the button that says “create report” and save the file to what ever location you want. Post that file with any questions you have here on the forum.

Paid support: If we just can't help you, or you REALLY got to get up and running really fast, or your sofware is acting up. You can pony up some cash and the team and Centroid will help you, via phone or remote support. They don't lollygag, if you give them a report file and details of what's going on (write it down down first, be prepared), they dig in and get it done. Its highly advisable that your PC have internet connection capability. So at least have Wifi on it so they can remote in and look at the software and how you have it configured. Download the latest version of TeamViewer, its free for personal use. Heck, some of us might try and help you that way....

BUT REMEMBER! We/they can't reach through your computer and wire your machine up properly or make sure its mechanically correct (motors, couplers, ballscrews, thrust bearings and all that sort of junk). That's up to you. Make sure you have the diagram you downloaded handy to refer to if needed. If its not wired up right, while support can give suggestions, it isn't going to run right no matter how well the software is configured! Don't blame Acorn or the Support Team for things like miswired machines, improper choice of motors/drivers, trying to use PC hardware that doesn't meet the minimum system requirements, yada, yada. Short cuts cost you money....ask me how I know this! :mrgreen: I'm just trying to save you from yourself!

Schematics & Wiring Diagrams:
Use the diagrams provided by Centroid as a starting point. Tell us which one you are using. If you modified it, chicken scratch on it what you did in red, scan it and post it! We can then "see" what you are up to and help. Try not to fly by the seat of your pants, you might crash and burn and roach the Acorn...and have to buy another on your nickle, no fun.

Its an electronic device, magic smoke is contained within all those black chips and shiny traces on the circuit boards. DON'T LET IT OUT. Centroid worked hard to keep it there! When you are using the wiring diagrams if you have a question, refer to the diagram you are using and ask a question. Scan and post the diagram if you can. Be sure to let us know what you are workin on, which sofware revision you are working under, what motors and drives you have etc. The more info the more we can help each other

Cool features:
Spindle Encoder:
A TRUE encoder input was added to monitor the spindle. What does this get you? (Provided you mechanical system in your machine is tight and well designed) the ability to get accurate threading on the lathe. Constant surface speed on a lathe. The ability to rigid tap on a mill. A true differential encoder must be connected TO the spindle via a timing belt at 1:1

DB25 connector:
It carries the 4 axis of step and direction, directly pin compatible with the popular and proven Geckodrive G540. This helps with cutting down some of the wiring and time it takes to get your machine up and running. G540 has 4 axis of up to 3.5amps and up to 50V stepper control

Spindle Control:
The ability for Acorn to control a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). It has a 0-10VDC analog output. It can also be used with popular KB Electronics DC controllers equipped with a signal isolator. (Like the KBIC120 and adding an SI-5)

Virtual Control Panel & Touchscreen functionality:
Centroid, took their PHYSICAL Operator's Control Pendant and turned it into what is called the Virtual Control Panel or VCP. Everything you can do with the physical control panel can now be done on the touchscreen. So, get a wide aspect ratio touchscreen!

Acorn comes with functional software. Depending on your application, it may be all you need. If you want more, step up at anytime to the next level. You can use Acorn right out of the box with the software that is provided. True industrial motion control software, proven with over 30 years of experience. The SAME software that runs their 5 axis maching centers, now available to the DIYer and Students!

Ok, you got your machine up and running, but have a comment or a suggestion. Post it here on the forums. In the subject line type COMMENT or SUGGESTION. Maybe you'll find out the feature you want is already there, or maybe the big wigs at Centroid like the comment or suggestion and might implement it on the next revision of hardware or might not?

Is Acorn the right piece of hardware???
Good question. ASK HERE in the forums before you buy! You might have a machine (Vertical Machining Center or Turning Center come to mind) that Acorn was not designed for BUT Centroid has you covered, but you got to step up to the next level of hardware and open your wallet a little wider.
Acorn is great for mills, routers, and lathes and other machine tools. Acorn is pretty capable! I'm sure I speak for other forum users to see what you do with Acorn successfully when you "think outside the box".

Who is this guy writing this? I'm a long avid hobbyist who spends far too much time tinkering with CNC machines than learning to use them. :o
It has always fascinated me that a personal computer could control a machine to such high precision. Watching them run amazes me. I've refit many machines over the last 12 years or so using (and wasting money sometimes!, no, a lot of times trying to save a buck when I should have just bitten the bullet!) on different hardware and software.

It's so cool to see what is available to CNC DIY'ers and Students today. What we can do in our own garages and shop space. Its a great time to be into DIY CNC. Some of us make cool stuff with machines, some of us like to build the machines and controls! Some of us try and do both.

ACORN is a DIY CNC controller with industrial quality features and performance for the DIY market, helping to take what we do to the next level. Good luck on your project. Hope you take the plunge and give it a go, then come back here and post your success story or let us know if you need help, we're here for ya! If you are having trouble, remember, walk away, take it easy, compose your thoughts and then post your troubles here (along with a report file!) and we'll try and lend a hand.

Beta Tester for Acorn
(No, I don't know all the answers! :D But collectively we can all get close! )
Last edited by martyscncgarage on Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mesa, AZ
Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:02 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by Reedfirst »

Hey Marty, I figured that this is a good thread to post this question under.

Regarding the pro and Ultimate software packages. If I were to purchase the pro level software and possibly wanted to upgrade to the Ultimate at a later time; Would I have to pay the full price for the ultimate software package or would the previous purchase of the pro level software ($99) be taken into consideration when upgrading?


I am looking forward to trying out the Acorn on my Bridgeport conversion!

Posts: 9915
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:01 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by martyscncgarage »

Reedfirst wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:30 pm Hey Marty, I figured that this is a good thread to post this question under.

Regarding the pro and Ultimate software packages. If I were to purchase the pro level software and possibly wanted to upgrade to the Ultimate at a later time; Would I have to pay the full price for the ultimate software package or would the previous purchase of the pro level software ($99) be taken into consideration when upgrading?


I am looking forward to trying out the Acorn on my Bridgeport conversion!

Is your Bridgeport a knee mill? Stepper or Servo driven? Which motor drives did you choose?

Keep in mind I am not part of Centroid...just one of their Beta testers for Acorn.

And I am sure they will jump in and correct me if I am wrong. But I don't think there would be a credit towards Ultimate.

Can you describe what kind of parts you want to turn out and why you think you would want ultimate in the future?

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Mesa, AZ
Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:02 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by Reedfirst »

Hey Marty,

My bridgeport is a series1 with the hard chrome ways. Ive already installed precision ground ball screws and precision angular contact bearings. They will be connected to dmm dyn4 a/c servo drives.

I already sorted out my pulleys and machined them to fit the ball screws. I'm not a fan of set screws on a shaft so I machined a hub for the y axis and machined the pulley for the x axis to utilize a tapered lock bushing. They are at a 2.1 ratio using gt2 5mm pitch belts.

I built the pc myself using a gigabyte motherboard and an Intel processor that exceeded the minimum single thread count required for the centroid software. Your video was a good reference that helped me get back into building a pc.

Right now I'm working on getting the motor mounts roughly machined and installed with the intention of machining come really nice ones once it's running on cnc.

The reason I am considering the ultimate is hopefully in the future I can utilize the digitizing function to reverse engineer some some parts so I can modify some features in cad and be able to reproduce them with my modifications incorporated in the design.

I'm a complete newbie to cnc controls and machines I'm learning as I go. I'm the type that needs to get in over my head and swim my way to the top to learn a new skill and I wasn't sure if the ultimate is something I would end up needing in the future.

Posts: 9915
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:01 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by martyscncgarage »

Reedfirst wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:01 pm Hey Marty,

My bridgeport is a series1 with the hard chrome ways. Ive already installed precision ground ball screws and precision angular contact bearings. They will be connected to dmm dyn4 a/c servo drives.

I already sorted out my pulleys and machined them to fit the ball screws. I'm not a fan of set screws on a shaft so I machined a hub for the y axis and machined the pulley for the x axis to utilize a tapered lock bushing. They are at a 2.1 ratio using gt2 5mm pitch belts.

I built the pc myself using a gigabyte motherboard and an Intel processor that exceeded the minimum single thread count required for the centroid software. Your video was a good reference that helped me get back into building a pc.

Right now I'm working on getting the motor mounts roughly machined and installed with the intention of machining come really nice ones once it's running on cnc.

The reason I am considering the ultimate is hopefully in the future I can utilize the digitizing function to reverse engineer some some parts so I can modify some features in cad and be able to reproduce them with my modifications incorporated in the design.

I'm a complete newbie to cnc controls and machines I'm learning as I go. I'm the type that needs to get in over my head and swim my way to the top to learn a new skill and I wasn't sure if the ultimate is something I would end up needing in the future.

Ah, very cool. Yes, between Acorn and DMM, you should be good to go!
Sounds like you are doing a class job on the conversion. Be sure to post pictures!

Being new to CNC you might find INTERCON, the conversational feature in the software useful. I hope to dig into it some more once I'm doing working on machines! With no real experience with it, I used it to open up a clearance hole for a thrust bearing retainer on the Supermax YCM40 CNC mill I am working on. You can catch the video on my YouTube channel, martyscncgarage. Go easy on the guy behind the camera! :oops:

I will let the Centroid staff address your questions on the digitizing features.

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Mesa, AZ
Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:02 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by Reedfirst »

Haha no problem Marty! Your videos are are very much appreciated. I've actually already subscribed to your channel although the you-tube account I suscribed under another email called reedwerks.

I need to figure out how to change that over.

I'll post up some pictures of my conversion later on.
Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:57 am
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by Centroid_Liviu »

If a license for Pro is purchased, the $99 amount would count toward the Ultimate license. Someone who already has a Pro license therefore would be able to upgrade to Ultimate for just $400. The website will be updated to make this more clear.

The digitizing process is exactly designed for what you are envisioning. The Centroid Software will take care of the digitizing (created a point cloud) that you can than import into a CAD program to further modify. After you are done modifying you can use the CAD program's Post-Processor to generate the G-Code that you would than load back on the Centroid to cut your part.
When requesting support READ THIS POST first. https://www.viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1043

Please ALWAYS post a FRESH report. To make a report:

(We pride ourselves on providing timely solid technical support but, without good information we may not be able to help and/or reply until such information is posted.)
Posts: 9915
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:01 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by martyscncgarage »

Centroid_Liviu wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:04 am If a license for Pro is purchased, the $99 amount would count toward the Ultimate license. Someone who already has a Pro license therefore would be able to upgrade to Ultimate for just $400. The website will be updated to make this more clear.

The digitizing process is exactly designed for what you are envisioning. The Centroid Software will take care of the digitizing (created a point cloud) that you can than import into a CAD program to further modify. After you are done modifying you can use the CAD program's Post-Processor to generate the G-Code that you would than load back on the Centroid to cut your part.
Awesome Liviu! That's great news. Thanks for clarifying that.
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Mesa, AZ
Posts: 168
Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:02 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by Reedfirst »

martyscncgarage wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:24 am
Centroid_Liviu wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:04 am If a license for Pro is purchased, the $99 amount would count toward the Ultimate license. Someone who already has a Pro license therefore would be able to upgrade to Ultimate for just $400. The website will be updated to make this more clear.

The digitizing process is exactly designed for what you are envisioning. The Centroid Software will take care of the digitizing (created a point cloud) that you can than import into a CAD program to further modify. After you are done modifying you can use the CAD program's Post-Processor to generate the G-Code that you would than load back on the Centroid to cut your part.
Awesome Liviu! That's great news. Thanks for clarifying that.

That just sweetened the pot for me!

Just placed my order!
Posts: 9915
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:01 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: Yes
Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: Yes
CPU10 or CPU7: Yes
Location: Mesa, AZ

Re: So you bought an Acorn....or are interested in one.

Post by martyscncgarage »

Reedfirst wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:30 am
martyscncgarage wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:24 am
Centroid_Liviu wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:04 am If a license for Pro is purchased, the $99 amount would count toward the Ultimate license. Someone who already has a Pro license therefore would be able to upgrade to Ultimate for just $400. The website will be updated to make this more clear.

The digitizing process is exactly designed for what you are envisioning. The Centroid Software will take care of the digitizing (created a point cloud) that you can than import into a CAD program to further modify. After you are done modifying you can use the CAD program's Post-Processor to generate the G-Code that you would than load back on the Centroid to cut your part.
Awesome Liviu! That's great news. Thanks for clarifying that.

That just sweetened the pot for me!

Just placed my order!
Ah, another one inducted into the Acorn club. Look forward to pictures and your progress!
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Mesa, AZ
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