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arranging files cnc12

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:47 pm
by chessie
I have cnc12 lathe . I have quite a few parts that I have made, saved on it.

so I dont know what im doing wrong .
I turn on the machine cnc12 starts up , if I want to run a program .I hit load it goes to the nc files folder . I then have to look through them all to find the one I want .
I tried putting these in folders but then it couldn't find the icn_lathe file , so I had to search find it .
then when I post the g code it just puts another nc file but not in the sub folder ,just in the cnct folder as before

so what should I be doing to be able to hit load new file ,go to my parts , pick ie wheel spacers folder then choose the appropriate size out of that folder .

any help would be appreciated


Re: arranging files cnc12

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:13 pm
by suntravel
In the cnct folder is a pathl.ini file you can edit.



First line is where the Intercon files are posted, second for the g-code files


Re: arranging files cnc12

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:59 am
by chessie
ok so just to make sure im on the same page , so all files have to go in the same file ie press load I then get one folder with every ncfile in it I then have to scroll down to find the one I want out of say 100 different parts . I can't have ncfiles/motorcycle/suzuki/rear axle ?


Re: arranging files cnc12

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:28 am
by suntravel
This are the default folders Acorn uses if you make new Programs with Intercon.

You can have as much folders as you want and load files from these. If you change them they will stay in these folders.


Re: arranging files cnc12

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:23 am
by ShawnM
You can store your files anywhere you want in any folder you want and have as many sub folders you want. On my machines, routers and a plasma, I keep all my files in the default “ncfiles” folder, just makes for an easy backup. You can change this if you want as Uwe stated but I just leave it at the default. From CNC12, if you click “load” by default it opens the ncfiles folder. In there you can have as many sub folders you want. Organize it until your hearts content. Double click the folder and pick your part. I have dozens of folders in my ncfiles folder for the parts I make.

If you load a part direct from a thumb drive, by default it automatically copies it to the ncfiles folder. You can turn this off as well if you don’t want it to automatically copy it there. You can even make the file temporary to where it deletes it after your done.

For me, I’m anal and organized and prefer to create the folder in the ncfiles directory first on the CNC pc first and then copy over the files and or folders to it. Then when I click load it opens the ncfiles folder and I can choose the folder with the part.

Hope this makes a little sense and helps. I don’t use Intercon but I assume that folder works exactly the same.

Edit: Uwe responded just seconds before I did so sorry for some of the same info.

Re: arranging files cnc12

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:16 pm
by Sword
A couple of other thoughts here... You can choose to have the last file ran loaded at startup in the wizard, but better yet, if you change a windows setting, you can have "Load" open the last folder that you loaded from instead of always to the ncfiles folder. The issue here seems to be Centroids choice of "Open dialog" type that is used. Anyway, check these out... ... 167#p39167 ... =20#p22088

Just a note on this, if you update CNC12, you need to apply the windows settings again.