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FeedRate and JogRate adjusting from external Encoder or Potentiometer

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:32 am
by cscristian
Hello everybody on this forum.

My name is Cristian and is my first post on this forum.

I just bought an Acorn board and Pro mill software.I will upgrade my cnc mill that is running with CSMIO IP-S (6 axis ethernet) and Mach3.
On Mach3 i use a Pokeys device that is interact with button, rotary encoder and analog potentiometer to control function on mach3.I can adjust feedrate,jograte with encoder from phisical knob on operator panel and button for what is needed.This device is very powerful.It have a plughin inside Mach3 and you can set each pin as an input or output regarding you need.(you can put LED as output or button as input).You can use it as keyboard emulator if you want.I post link below with product page.There is USB version or Ethernet version.I don't want to make commercials or promote this product.I want just to make this combination of good software+hardware with a good operator control panel for low budget.Lwt mw know what you think about that.

I also post some youtube video to have a look at mach3 plughin how works and some demo:

My question is:

How can i control Feedrate on Centroid acorn from an external potentiometer or rotary encoder?It is possible to do that?Can someone have a solution for this setup?

Also can Centroid or other guy here in forum have a look at this device and maybe is interest to write a Acorn plugin for this to make nice operator panel .

Thank you

Re: FeedRate and JogRate adjusting from external Encoder or Potentiometer

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:50 am
by martyscncgarage
Neither. Acorn isn't designed for that, but why wouldn't you want to use a traditional MPG that has both on it?
FAR easier for setups...

(Note, it appears Centroid is currently out of stock on the wireless MPG, hopefully it will be back in stock soon)

Re: FeedRate and JogRate adjusting from external Encoder or Potentiometer

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:29 am
by cscristian

I have noticed that are out of stock this wireless MPG.Is an option to use that but is not the same....It is good for making setup and all is need related.when you run a new program on a part i prefer to have a fast reaction on feed rate knob to prevent a crash or other problem.I don't think if use this wireless mpg on feed adjust you can turn from 100% to 2% in half a second.Maybe i am wrong....i don't know because i don't have one.
To bad that are not intention to expand this feature for this type of controller.
Thank you for your answer.

Re: FeedRate and JogRate adjusting from external Encoder or Potentiometer

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:34 am
by martyscncgarage
Maybe they will consider it for a future hardware revision. Keep in mind that Centroid, does both the hardware and the software. No third party vendors to worry about integration and compatibility issues.

Their Oak and All in One DC can do this, but certainly not at the Acorn price point.
IF you have a touchscreen, you can also use do feedrate override and spindle speed override or use a touchpad or mouse