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Help needed identifying KBSI-240D's missing components

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:06 am
by AcornFanBoy
In March I bought a KBSI-240D Rev D isolator board from eBay. It's been sitting on my desk waiting for my summer vacation, and when I finally had time to start integrating it with Acorn I noticed severe problems. I'm upgrading Emco CNC 5 lathe to work with Acorn, and I'm using KB DC controller to drive the spindle motor.

When I started reading the KBSI manual and began wiring it with Acorn, the output pins 9 and 10 only gave 13.7V no matter what the input. As the board is specced to output 10V max, my first assumption was that I had made a mistake in the wiring. I had noticed that the PCB has empty spaces for some components, but this is quite normal for many boards, and I didn't suspect anything. On closer look I saw that the component leads had been cut very neatly, and started comparing the board with pictures found from Google.

For reasons unknown my board is missing components VR1, C9, C10, R1, R2, R3A and R3B.

I have contacted the seller, but since I bought this in March, I'm not expecting to get refunded. I could buy a new one from eBay, but the shipping will take easily two weeks which puts my project to an annoying halt.

If you have a KBSI-240D Rev D board, could you please have a look at the PCB and try to identify the components for me. With some luck I could fix the board myself just by replacing the missing ones.

Here is a picture of my board with the missing components marked.

KBSI-240D missing components.jpg


Re: Help needed identifying KBSI-240D's missing components

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:47 pm
Sorry, I just now saw your post. My internet service is out & I'm lousy with my phone. I will take pictures of my KBSI and post them tomorrow.

Re: Help needed identifying KBSI-240D's missing components

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:10 am
by AcornFanBoy
Thank you @dickeybird for your offer to help. I just finished fixing the signal isolator. It took quite a while of google images browsing before I was able to identify the markings from the missing regulator, but now all is fine, and the output voltage is stable to 1 mV 8-)


Re: Help needed identifying KBSI-240D's missing components

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:23 am
Here's a pic for you. Sorry, I'll get the number of VR1 for you when I get home since you can't see it in the picture.

I'll bet you can get a schematic from KB if you request it.

Edited: I see you posted your success story while I was posting. Glad you got it working well! :D