Unknown spindle motor and board

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2024 9:30 pm
Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
Plasma CNC Controller: No
AcornSix CNC Controller: Yes
Allin1DC CNC Controller: No
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Oak CNC controller: No
CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Unknown spindle motor and board

Post by Scrunty »

I've bought a Chinese mini CNC lathe from a deceased estate for dirt cheap and I've been replacing the CNC control board (ADTECH4620) with an Acorn CNC board. I've run into grief as I'm unable to get any response from the spindle motor. I ran the spindle bench test before connecting the spindle and passed fine. The ADTECH4620 states that it outputs 0-10VDC for spindle speed just like the Acron. The spindle motor and the speed/direction control board have no identifying marks or labels so I can't find any information on them. I tried a KBSI-240D signal isolator board as per a YouTube video (Franco) however still no response from the spindle motor. The spindle direction is wired to my acorn output relay board and can confirm the relays are being turned on when the spindle and direction is turned on.

Curiously though, before I started transitioning to the new board I did notice that the ADTECH4620 didn't have speed control and the spindle direction both went the same way (maybe it was done so to idiot proof it to stop novices from cutting in the wrong direction)
Other than buying a new motor and a VFD I'm not sure where to go from here.

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