Dynamic Smoothing Settings with Fusion 360

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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CNC Control System Serial Number: 3484E42757Cd-1018248693
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Dynamic Smoothing Settings with Fusion 360

Post by corbin »

Hi all!
I use Fusion 360 for a lot of my CAM and I want to run the first set of roughing toolpaths a bit faster and then up the smoothing settings for my finishing pass. I have an ATC, so I want it all to be in one file.

I realized I can just add a "Manual NC" operation with "Pass Through" in front of the operations I want to have the smoothing applied to and do a G64 call to turn on my appropriate smoothing.

Here's a screen shot showing this; first three ops have one setting, and then I can change it to something else for my finishing passes.

Just sharing in case it helps someone else who wants to do this:
Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 3.04.32 PM.png

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