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Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:18 am
by Insect
Ok, I installed that version.

I get errors, shown below. I cannot declare T1 in the MDI or thru F1-F7, to start the process of it's awareness of the tool in the spindle.

Also this update makes parameter 3 = 6, which historically was 2, so I should set my tools algebraically offset from the Z-top rather than reference tool #1, I'll get to that if I can get it to work.

Also in the shown warning, it's talking about reference to tool0position.cnc I cannot gather if 1-0 in it's mind, I know some numbering conventions zero starts a string of numbers, anyhow, not sure.

The attached Gcode Middle04 is the one last used that you referred to.

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:00 pm
by Insect
I had to change parameter 160=0 from the default of 1, to clear the error mentioned in prior post, also had to comment out the tool touch off section of the M6 macro, to clear the "setup param 11..." warning.

As of now it seems to ATC under manual orders, but have no bearings on it's likelihood of being symptomatic during use, will test later.

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:01 am
by Insect
Upon first operation today, T1 loaded, I ordered a T9 thru the control.

It showed this familiar error message.

I then saw that P160 = 1, it changed by itself overnight, back to P160=0, then it worked fine.

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 1:04 pm
by Insect
I did a handful of tool operations, first malfunction with the latest beta software referenced by cnckeith here.

It went from T19 H19 to (supposed to) T17 H17. Then it grabbed the correct T17, then it showed T11 H17. I stopped the machine a moment before it would have crashed. T11 has nothing to do with this, it's having tool amnesia again.

One cause could be the "prelaod tool" function in Fusion360's post processor (screenshot below), but that was calling T9, not t11, etc. I need to eliminate that functionality from the post processor, but anyhow, I do not feel it's the cause.
Whats' going on?
t11 error.PNG
preload tool.png

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:47 pm
by Insect
It still malfunctions. I have posted a video here.

For reference Parameter 160 = 0 Par 3 = 6

The objective of this test was a simple 2-tool run, with "Preset tool" active in the post processor, and also a run with it inactive. With either g-code file, it behaves the same. "Preset tool" i.e. calling a T# directly below a T# M6 line, does not affect this malfunction.

Pockets and heights are not corresponding. The video displays this clearly.

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:48 am
by Stephan
Does T1919 M6 or T101 M6 work?
Then change the post processor.
I see the Centroid changing the tool but not the offset of the tool.
H is not changed.

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:05 am
by Stephan
Your tool offset does not match the current tool.
Should that be so?

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:13 am
by Stephan
Or try it
T1 H1 M6 or T9 H9 M6.
I'm not sure how it worked when milling

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:08 pm
by Insect
Stephan, thanks, I tried that now:

1) T1717 M6 = Invalid, refused
2) T17 H17 M6 = same symptom

Thanks for the thought. I will remind that this is with the temporary 5.07 rev 15 form that Keith shared, beta software.

Re: ATC functional, but gets some pockets wrong

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:15 pm
by Stephan
And without the M6 ​​just T101 or T1717?
You don't actually do the H19 in the middle of the code.

If that doesn't work, try reinstalling Centroid