Acorn applying Tool Radius to WCS XY position

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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Acorn applying Tool Radius to WCS XY position

Post by Garyhlucas »

I've destroyed a number of parts now because of what I consider strange behavior. I use Setup/Part to set the X and Y position using a feeler gauge between the part and the tool. Then I enter the actual tool center position using the tool radius + feeler thickness, and press set. Acorn then sets the WCS XY zero position at the tool radius away from the part, as if I was going to use G41, G42, which we do not, as the parts are programmed in CamBam using the Centroid post. What is going on here? I have never seen this behavior on any other machine I have run.

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Re: Acorn applying Tool Radius to WCS XY position

Post by suntravel »

If using CAM and post without G41/42 the tool diameter must be set up in the CAM system
If using G41/42 the diameter must be setup in the CAM System and in CNC12 Tool Lib.

Setting part 0 XY it depends on the direction if the offset is positive or negative, or use the part setup and choose the right direction, there you dial in the edge finder diameter, in your case mill diameter+2x feeler thickness.


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Re: Acorn applying Tool Radius to WCS XY position

Post by cncsnw »

When you set the X or Y position on the Part Setup screen, what do you select in the "Approach From" field? And what value do you enter in the "Edge Finder Diameter" field?

The Approach field tells CNC12 whether it should add or subtract the edge finder radius from the desired Part Position, to compensate in the cases where the edge of the tool or edge finder is touching the part.

If you prefer to do the adding or subtracting yourself when you enter the desired Part Position, then you should either select "Approach From" = "Center", or you should set "Edge Finder Diameter" = 0.0

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Re: Acorn applying Tool Radius to WCS XY position

Post by Garyhlucas »

I did lots of manual CNC programming using G41,G42 and I completely understand that method.
I did see the ‘approach’ method and that is clearly my issue. This is a router, we use a round pin between the tool and the part so we don’t have to load a probe. I am working with students and want to simplify the process. When I built the router, which has a full enclosure and flood coolant I also mounted the whole aluminum table on insulating fiberglass blocks, in the hope I could use a touch function with the tool since the spindle is grounded.

My personal CNC Mill had the computer running Mach 3 for the last 11 years die the same day I delivered router. So I am also installing Acorn on that one too.

Thanks for the help!

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