Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

All things related to the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller

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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

I may have hit "send" too quickly. I found the generic VFD connections schematic in the huge list of Acorn setup schematics (attached). I don't have my controller yet, so just trying to be prepared to tackle it soon after it arrives.

Acorn Generic VFD sch.pdf
(159.87 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Ken Rychlik
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CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by Ken Rychlik »

you can verify you have your spindle and vfd working without the acorn. You should be able to use a 9v battery, and a 1.5v battery to simulate different voltages to the 0-10v input on the vfd. You should be able to connect 2 control wires in the vfd to make it run. Those two wires would just to to com and N/c contacts on one of the relays that come with it. if the spindle has signals for tool in, or tool out it's good to use those with your tool change files. I have it wait for no tool holder present signal before letting it proceed with picking up the next tool. If you can get a zero speed signal from your vfd, you can use that to make sure the spindle is stopped before starting a tool change. Some folks just use a delay.

Basically test and figure out as much as you can about what all goes where, what voltage and signals are available to reuse, and what need to be replaced. The laguna's I have done were not atc. Research your spindle model number to see what all you can use from it to your advantage.

You need npn proxy sensors and I don't remember if they used npn or pnp. Get some part numbers off of one and search.

Getting the vfd operating and ready, along with wiring info would be time well spent, while you are waiting on delivery.

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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

Got my Acorn, tapped into the onboard SS M2 24V supply. Measured the 24V at 23.76V. All LEDs are on (Green except the heartbeat). Ran the CNC tuner. Had to reattach the ethernet cable, but now I get a ping:


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

So I tried to run the CNC12 control software and I am stuck on the opening page saying "Establishing Communications with Acorn..." Did I miss something?

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CNC Control System Serial Number: none
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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

Ignore the last post. I needed to close the CMD prompt. Got it going...

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CNC Control System Serial Number: none
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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

I'm down to my last three lines to hook up. Tuner run. Stress test run on the bench and passed. SpindleBenchTest run and passed.

My RichAuto supplies a "FWD" signal to the Delta MS300 VFD. From looking at that device, it seems it wants a 10V reference on this output. Anybody have experience with this? I can get another 10V supply. I figured I'd ask here before I hook up the RichAuto on my bench and try to see if it will output something on FWD with no CNC connected.



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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by centroid467 »

Are you talking about the MI1-MI7 terminals on the Delta MS300? Those are going to want 24V signals interrupted by a relay contact. They can be configured to sink or source current but you don't need worry about using any 10VDC with them. Use the schematics on page 46 ( ... df#page=55) for reference on setting them up.

From the manual, it looks like you should wire the Acorn analog out to AVI and the analog common to ACM. Run the FWD/REVERSE to the Acorn's relay board.

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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

@centriod467, thanks! The datasheet was helpful. I'm still not sure exactly what this is hooked up to inside the MS300, but I put a 10K pull-up on the line, powered the RichAuto and toggled the spindle on and off. OA1 was around 7V (and the speed set to 18,000 RPM) which seems correct. When the spindle is off, FWD1 = 24V, spindle on (you can hear the internal relay click) and output is 0V. So, I need to hook up the relay board for this one as you suggested.

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CNC Control System Serial Number: none
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Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

E-Stop Question: I am replacing my RichAuto controller with the Acorn. My E-Stop severs power to the cabinet - non-graceful- yet immediate stop to the gantry/spindle/controller.

I see the E-stop input is "required" on the Acorn. Is this some secondary E-stop? Shall I continue without adding an Acorn E-stop input. If the answer is no, then what do I input? The Laguna E-stop is an AC interrupter.

Note: The gantry has homing sensors, but no end of travel switches. Given some spare time in the future, that would be a nice addition and useful input to an e-stop electronic control.

Ken Rychlik
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Acorn CNC Controller: Yes
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CNC Control System Serial Number: 80F5B5B92C3A-0213236854
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by Ken Rychlik »

You can jumper the estop input and leave your power cutting estop if you like. I've never tried running without at least the jumper.

Posts: 11
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CNC Control System Serial Number: none
CNC12: Yes
CNC11: No
CPU10 or CPU7: No

Re: Laguna SS M2 48 with Richauto B57E HHC conversion to Centroid Acorn

Post by tcrist »

Thanks, Ken!

As I get closer, it seems to be a non-issue. I have start stop control via the Acorn and I have the power cutting original E-stop. It does not seem there is any advantage of "doubling up" on the E-stop.

Next question:

I have X,Y,Z control. Spindle on/off control. But I set the SW1 on the relay board to control the dust hood lift in the CNC12 Wizard, but I don't know where that maps to on the control panel. I think I've tried them all. Where is that recorded?

Also, I have 1.8 degree (200 steps per revolution) steppers. I 'thought' I had read they were microstepped at 1/8 so I set pulses per Rev at 1600. I am WAY off on the mm on CNC12 versus actual. I did a dumb thing and adjusted X axis accuracy manually, but without being able to lift the aforementioned dust hood, it is an inaccurate guess. Should I redo the Wizard after I find out what my Yako drives are set to, or update via machine settings? In other words, is the Wizard no longer used after you set it up the first time?

Last question for now:
I bought the pendant, and I know I need to upgrade CNC12 by sending in my setup file. How close to "final" should I be before I do that? X,Y,Z, spindle control enough, or do I need to actually start running some simple projects before upgrading?



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