Ethernet switch?

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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by ScotY »

Or maybe this?

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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by cncman172 »

Are you using two different Acorn units? If so that will not work. The reason is each Acorn will have a unique IP address, in fact it would not surprise me if when the software sets things up it uses the same static IP address. I think Marty posted some documentation on how you can change the IP address.

One computer can have two versions of the software I would think. The software is configured for a static IP address which is programmed into the Acorn.


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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by ScotY »

I’m using 2 Acorn boards, one for mill and the other for a lathe. I think he said any Acorn will want the same IP address? If so, I would think the manual style switcher boxes are essentially just doing the plugging and unplugging for you when you flip the switch? Then, provided I started the appropriate version of CNC12 and powered up the correct machine, all would be good?

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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by martyscncgarage »

Centroid_Tech wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:51 pm I just thought of something that can be done but I highly DO NOT recommend doing this as Centroid always recommends having a direct Ethernet connection between the PC and Centroid hardware and I may be shot just for saying it. You could have the Ethernet cable going to one of those old DB9 switch boxes. It would have the standard RJ45 connection on one side and the DB9 connector on the other side. The outputs of that box would go to the individual ACORN boards. This way, you could switch which ACORN actually gets the signals. As I stated before, I DO NOT recommend this approach as the integrity of the signals will come into question but it is an economical solution and approach to your scenario.
They sell RJ45 switch boxes....but like you said...... :evil: ... B00EBSR7CQ

I think the risk is noise, its why they use a shielded cable. The case on the above is shielded but I bet its not carried internally.

OK Centroid, your turn!
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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by Centroid_Tech »

As long as those components are tying pin 1 of the input connector to pin 1 of output A connector when switched to A and pin 1 of output B connector when switched to B and so on for all of the pins, that should work. I have seen some Y-splitters in the past that do not do this. They only tied certain pins of the RJ45 connector. I believe it was done that way because of the way devices spoke to each other via the RJ45 port back in the day.

The only way that this will ever work is that the CNC software cannot be running, the ACORN cannot be powered, the switch has to be in the correct setting first, then the appropriate ACORN will need to be powered while the other ACORN is not powered and the CNC software will need to be started. I am not 100% sure if the PC would have to be rebooted but since all that is being done is that the signals are being switched from one location to another, I doubt that it would need to be restarted.


You are correct in that there needs to be a unique IP address in order to communicate to the ACORN which is I think you are confusing something else that Marty did because you CANNOT change that IP address. If that IP address is something other than, it will not communicate with the ACORN board.

Once again, I do not recommend doing this. My recommendation is to have a dedicated PC for each individual system.
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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by ScotY »

Thank you for the information and I realize that this is a possible solution that is not without risk. I am only running a small hobby machine just for fun or I wouldn’t consider this as an option. Will see how it works.

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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by martyscncgarage »

cncman172 wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:52 pm Are you using two different Acorn units? If so that will not work. The reason is each Acorn will have a unique IP address, in fact it would not surprise me if when the software sets things up it uses the same static IP address. I think Marty posted some documentation on how you can change the IP address.

One computer can have two versions of the software I would think. The software is configured for a static IP address which is programmed into the Acorn.

Same IP address.
You need two separate copies of the software installed one for each machine. One Mill, one lathe. It is possible.
Scott Pratt, Centroid genius posted a proper way to run two Acorns with one computer. It's buried in all the messages on this forum I believe.

Frankly, this isn't a cheap hobby, just buy a computer. Find them on ebay all the time for about $200....or risk destroying...something....
Its not worth the short cut and hassel to me. Reliability and an industrial grade control is why I chose Centroid. Their team of Engineers, build reliable CNC controls. Do yourself a favor, "Buy once and cry once". The grief and risk isn't worth it....

Last edited by martyscncgarage on Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by martyscncgarage »

cncman172 wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:27 pm Scott

When the Acorn gets configured it sets a static IP address on the computer. The computer can only connect to that IP address unless you have more than one Ethernet port. I would think you could add another Ethernet card and configure the Lathe on the second card with a different static IP address and the switch idea would work. When you start Centroid for mill it would use that static IP and starting Centroid lathe would use the second static IP

A second ethernet port likely won't work because the ethernet port IP is also fixed on the PC.
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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by ScotY »

Anyone know what the proper name would be for a 2 position switch that can swap 8 conductors? I was curious to know how the switch box works and have been searching for such a switch but haven’t come up with anything. I’m assuming I don’t know the proper name to search for.

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Re: Ethernet switch?

Post by Centroid_Tech »

I don't think it would have a designated name for it but it would probably have a description like 8-pole 1-throw switch. That is why I mentioned the DB9 switch box. They were used back in the day for selecting different serial devices. All those boxes did was switch the terminals from one output port to another. Looking at the second photo that you posted with the A and B positions on the top of the box, I have a feeling that may work for your application. If you can find a manual or datasheet for that box, you will be able to tell.
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