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A Software Defined Edge Finder with CNC Compatible Output

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:45 pm
by RGSparber
This Electronic Edge Finder uses very few electronic parts yet is rather complex. The complexity is in the software that runs inside one of the parts, an ATTiny85.

As with all of my other Edge Finders, the user simply connects one clip to anything conductive mounted in the spindle. A second clip connects to the table. When the thing mounted in the spindle touches a reference surface, a contact closure is generated that can be sensed by CNC software. In my case, I'm using Centroid's CNC12 system which has automatic touchdown. Very nice!

Repeatability error has been measured to be less than +/- 0.0001 inches. The cost of the electronics is under $10.

If you are interested, please see

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