broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

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broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by countryguy »

I know .. I know. I have watched the Video on knee-mill's and tool offsets thrice now. :oops: I finally broke a measured offset tool! T1 and need to get that offset back in asap. Per vid, it seems I need to remeasure Tool 1 against the ref tool but am confused. I set in the Ref tool and increment to the same spot atop the vise. Then I put in the new tool1 and re-measure (F2) on the T1 tool. Is that right? What gets me is that I know the Knee is in a different spot than the original T2,t3, to Ref measurements were. It feels like I am accommodating that difference of Knee by my increments up or down to the top of the vise to get the Ref tool distance setup for a T1 remeasure. I keep trying to wrap my head around this? Won't my new tool1 via a new F2-measure, be higher or lower in a stored Z offset value compared to those of the previous ref/T2,t3 measures? So close to getting this I think... Can you help get me thru this and I'll be on my way today.

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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by cncsnw »

The net result of the standard procedure is that you are measuring your T1 (T2, T3) offsets compared to the length of the reference tool.

That is the whole point (the only point) of keeping a designated reference tool.

That is what you are doing when you use the reference tool to set Z Reference on some surface, before you measure tools using that same surface: allowing the control to see the difference in length between the reference tool and the measured tool.

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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by countryguy »

ok. I will check the manual for some more detail. In the vid, seems there is a comment about simply reloading the reference (which I have). Was not sure if I was supposed to "F1" that or not. I'll figure it out.

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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by cnckeith »

maybe thinking about it this way will help....when using a reference tool method.. all you are doing is using the cnc machine as a fancy measuring device. the tool height offset value "H" is simply the difference in length between the reference tool and the actual tool. so you could also just measure the difference in length between the reference tool and the tool and type that number in the height offset value for that tool and you would be all set.

when setting an arbitrary reference position using a reference tool.. all that position is to let the control know that you will be touching both the reference and the tool off that the control measures the additional (or less) distance moved with the tool to touch the same spot as the reference tool. that movement is the difference in length between the two.

most people make this out to be much more complicated that it is by confusing part zero and a z tool reference position which have nothing to do with each other.. so separate these three z locations... Z home, Z0 (wcs) and reference position in your thinking and it will all start to make sense.
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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by cnckeith »

graphic shows difference in height between reference tool and actual tool when touching the reference position.
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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by Aplus »

So I have been wondering and I haven't seen the answer to countryguy's original question. If you move the knee after initial tool setup and have to replace a tool, Do you somehow have to move the knee back to the original position to get the new tool to " compare it to the reference tools original settings"? If so whats the recommended procedure for that?

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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by cncsnw »

No, you do not have to move the knee back to anywhere in particular.

You do need to load the reference tool, touch it to the surface you plan to measure tools on, and press F1/Z Ref to set a new Z reference position. Then you can measure additional tools to your heart's content.


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Re: broken tool T1. re-ref tool & T1 measure knee confusion.

Post by CRM »

I am just starting (FINALLY) to use my retrofitted Prototrak DPM bed mill. It has a #40 taper spindle. Is there a pitfall to touching off the spindle face (no tool loaded) as the reference tool?
My reasoning is that I don't necessarily break down every tool between jobs. What happens if on a later job I run some tools already set from a previous job, EXCEPT that the original "reference tool" has been disassembled and I now need to set additional tools for the current job?
Seems to me the spindle face is always an available reference point that never changes; and every tool length offset is simply the length difference between the spindle face and that particular tool.
When it comes time to set the Z axis WCS, you simply touch off the spindle face to the part Z0 surface. Correct?
Dean Jahnz
Cannon River Machine

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