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Should I use Sourcing or Sinking logic?

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 4:22 pm
by Centroid_Liviu
There is no particular reason to use one or the other. Sometimes it comes down to the manufacturer of the component. Some of our older components like the DC3IO, RTK3, etc. had certain inputs that were purely sinking inputs. That means that the component connected to the input would be supplying the voltage. There were some inputs, like all of our current components have, that could be either sinking or sourcing. That means that the component connected to the input would either supply the voltage or the ground. Typically, when dealing with inverters, there is usually either a parameter or a jumper that would need to be set in order to select between sourcing and sinking. We currently have the capability of using either one so there is no need for a jumper. It just matters whether the user installs power on the COM line and has the input tied to ground or installs the ground on the COM line and has the input tied to power.