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CNC Screen Flickers

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:50 pm
by Jay
Hey folks,
I notice when I push any of the AUX buttons on the Jog panel the CNC11 screen flickers momentarily. It doesn't happen with any of the other buttons. Is this an issue? Should I be worried? Seems to mostly happen when I have the IO Diagnostics screen open



Re: CNC Screen Flickers

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:22 pm
by cncsnw
This is normal.

If you prefer it not happen, you can edit your PLC program to remove the lines such as:

IF (Aux1Key || KbAux1Key_M) THEN (DoAux1Key)
IF (Aux2Key || KbAux2Key_M) THEN (DoAux2Key)
... etc.

These lines are typically in JogPanelStage, usually somewhere around line #1800.

Note that this will prevent the Aux key function mapping via Machine Parameters 188-199 from working. If you are using some of those features, then you should delete only the PLC lines which apply to Aux keys you are not using via Parameters 188-199.

Re: CNC Screen Flickers

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:29 pm
by Jay
Ok, I do know the section of code, but also do use some one of the aux keys - since it's considered normal I'm good with it.
